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Snare of Love novel Chapter 574

Cotton’s fur felt very soft and silky. It liked people to stoke its fur on the lower jaw and its head as it felt very comfortable when people rub the fur on those places.

Holding Tiana’s hand, Amanda guided her to stroke Cotton’s fur again and again. Cotton sat beside their feet obediently and lifted its head so that they could rub its fur.

It narrowed its round eyes and it looked like it enjoyed this so much. It would even rub its head against Tiana’s hand from time to time.

It was so obedient and cute.

Tiana secretly heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “It’s very funny when it is not ferocious.”

“Yes, I think so.” Amanda held up Tiana’s hand, “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

Tiana hesitated, “Isn't it inappropriate?”

Her mom told her to be polite when visiting other people’s home. How could she get into her bedroom?

“Why is it inappropriate? Since you can come to my home, you’re definitely my daddy or my mummy’s friend, aren’t you?”

Tiana thought over it and thought her words were true. Charles’ friend was like her friend.

Amanda then pulled her into the bedroom.

Dolores helped Coral to clean the food material as she thought it was tiresome work for her to do it alone. But after clearing it for a while, Coral pushed her out of the kitchen, saying that she was bringing troubles to her.

But actually, Coral didn't want her to do the housework.

Dolores could only leave the kitchen. The driver had put all the things she bought for Theresa on the sofa. Dolores walked over, picked them up and walked to Theresa’s bedroom.

Theresa was awake and Andrew was playing a game beside her.

Dolores knitted her brows and said, “Theresa needs rest. Why do you play the game in her bedroom?”

Before Andrew could explain it, Theresa justified for him, “It was me who asked to stay here. I’d been sleeping for a long time and now I’m not sleepy at all. I felt so boring to stay alone, so I asked him to come here to accompany me.”

Dolores walked over and touched her forehead. It didn't feel cold. Apparently, she was still having a fever. A patient who had a fever should drink water as much as possible. She asked Theresa, “Are you thirsty?”

“Nope.” Theresa pointed at the kettle on the bedside cabinet, “I almost drank the whole kettle of water. I still want to have the meal. I don't want my stomach full of water later.”

Seeing that she was in a good mood as if she hadn't been influenced, Dolores began to doubt her thoughts.

Initially, she wanted to ask her about what happened in the temple. However, as Andrew was resent, it was inconvenient for her to ask so. Dolores took out the clothes she bought and hung them in the wardrobe.

Theresa said with a smile, “Thank you for spending one on me.”

“Hmm, remember to return the money to me when you’re recovered.” Dolores played the joke deliberately.

Half lying on the bed, Theresa said, “I don't have money. If you really want me to pay your favour, I can give myself to you.”

“I don't want you,” Dolores said disdainfully.

“I don't eat too much and I can work. Why not accept me?”

Dolores refused her resolutely, “Nope.”

Dolores put the underwear and pyjamas into the sink. These clothes which would directly touch the skin should be washed before wearing.

Seeing that Dolores was washing clothes for her, Theresa felt her nose sour. She was so good to her.

She took care of her as if she was her sister and this made her feel warm.

“Oh, I lost. Renee, it’s your turn.” Andrew handed the tablet computer to Theresa.

Theresa adjusted her mood and curled her lips into a smile, “You lost so quickly.”

The game they were playing was called “Idioms Solitaire” and it would be more and more difficult as it progressed.

Andrew pointed at an idiom, “Do you know what this idiom is?”

Theresa, “…”

Although she was a citizen of the country, she grew up abroad. Therefore, she was not that familiar with the idioms and she didn't know the answer either.

“Let’s play the other game.” She proposed.

Andrew snorted contemptuously.


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