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Snare of Love novel Chapter 575

Matthew’s body stiffened and he turned around, “How comes you’re upstairs?”

“Can’t I come upstairs?” She leaned her head forward and took a glance at the basin. Why did she feel that he didn't want her to see the thing in the basin? Matthew moved his body to block her vision, “We have a guest today. Shouldn’t you entertain her?”

“Your daughter is entertaining her.” Dolores looked up at him. The more he tried to hide it, the more curious she became. “Why do I feel you're guilt-stricken now?”

Matthew coughed lightly and cleared his throat, “What can I be guilt-stricken for?”

“If you're not guilt-stricken, you should move aside.” Dolores reached out to push him aside, and when she saw the underwear she bought in the mall today was in the water in the basin.

Matthew, “…”

The bathroom was prevailed by silence for several seconds.

Dolores suddenly chuckled.

Matthew asked with a serious expression, “What are you laughing at?”

Leaning against the frame of the door and supporting her belly, Dolores was still laughing.

Oh, this man is so cute!

Matthew, “…”

“Go out!” He said seriously.

Dolores tried to restrain her laughter, but she still couldn't beat it. She said in a smiling tone, “I won't laugh again.”

Matthew ignored her, turned around and continued to wash her underwear.

The scene of Matthew holding women’s underwear was supposed to be emotionally ambiguous, but it didn't have any trace of ambiguity now. It was just that Dolores didn't expect he would wash her underwear for her.

She was clutched by warmth.

Dolores wrapped her arms around his wiry and athletic waist from behind with her forehead against his wide back. Matthew’s body became a bit stiff, but it was restored to its natural state soon. He turned around to take a glance at her and asked, “Will you show it to me tomorrow?”

Dolores tightened the grip on his waist and groaned a nasal sound.

Matthew was very satisfied with the answer.

His effort was not in vain.

“Honey,” Dolores called him in a cute tone.

Matthew, who was washing underwear, paused and asked, “How did you address me?”

Did he mishear it just now?

Dolores didn't reply. Separated by the thin cloth, she landed a kiss on his back. When feeling the softness from his back, Matthew’s throat became dry. With his nerve tensed up, he asked what was wrong with her today.

Why did she suddenly become so enthusiastic?

Dolores whispered, “Do you have any social media?”

Matthew, “???”

What did she mean?


“I’m asking about those common social media applications, like WeChat, Tinder and Weibo.” When speaking, she kept rubbing against his waist.

Matthew looked down at her hands. He sensed a trace of abnormality from her words. Why did she suddenly ask this weird question?

“Aren't you my WeChat friend? I never post anything. As for Tinder, what’s it? I have an official account on Weibo, but I don't follow anyone. What’s wrong?”

He turned around. As his hands were wet, he didn't touch her. Matthew said gingerly, “Er… I promise I won't flirt with the other woman outside. What happened? Can you not beat the bush? I feel so flustered and scared.”

He had a feeling that she was trying to find out something.

This made him feel restless.

Seeing that he was so prudent, Dolores knew that he must have misunderstood it. She reached out to hook his neck and asked with a smile, “Why are you afraid of this?”

“I’m afraid that you may misunderstand me…”

Before he could finish his words, Dolores suddenly tiptoed and landed a kiss on his lips. She looked at him seriously and said, “I never doubt you.”


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