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Snare of Love novel Chapter 581

Tiana stood by the door. Dolores was stunned because she didn’t expect to see Tiana here at such an early hour.

“Hi, Dolores,” Tiana greeted Dolores.

Dolores smiled, “What brings you here so early in the morning? Is there anything I can help you with?”

Tiana nodded honestly, “Charles tried to call you, but the call didn’t go through. So I have to come and see if you’re alright.”

Dolores was reminded of the calls this morning. Her doubts were cleared. She stepped aside and invited Tiana into the house, “Come in first.”

Tiana shook her head, “Nah, I should get straight to the business,” Tiana pointed at the black car stopped outside. The car windows were covered with black films and made it impossible to see through the window. Declan sent John back to the Meyer manor at around four o’clock. Charles too made arrangements last night and got Tom to prepare a car to transport John.

Charles didn’t send John straight to White City after he picked John up. Instead, he gave Dolores a call. However, Dolores didn’t pick up the call. So, Charles asked Tiana to go to Dolores’s house to check out what happened.

It was a chance for Charles to see Dolores, but he tried his best to control his desire to see her after talking to Tiana.

“There’s a man in the car, and Charles asked me to pass this to you,” said Tiana.

Dolores thought she heard it wrong, “There’s a man in the car?”

Tiana replied with affirmation, “Yes, and Charles said he would be useful to you.”

A guesstimate came into Dolores’s mind, “Bring me there.”

Tiana answered, “Sure,” then she brought Dolores over to the car by the roadside. Tom got off the car when he saw Tiana and Dolores approaching the car.

“Show her,” Tiana told Tom.

Tom opened the car door at the backseat. John was sitting in the backseat unconsciously in his patient attire.

Charles gave John an anaesthetic after he picked him up. Hence, John was unconscious.

Dolores recognized John the moment she saw his face. John’s face wasn’t covered in the news in the temple. Dolores was shaking in anger when the idea of John might have raped Theresa came into Dolores’ head. Dolores wanted to slap John so much, but she knew it is not a good time to be emotional.

Matthew had been searching for John, and now John was captured by Charles? Dolores wanted to ask Charles how he captured John. So, she asked, “Where’s Charles?”

“Charles told me that you might not want to see him, so might as well he stop coming to see you,” said Tiana.

Charles asked Tiana to said so.

Dolores thought Charles had finally figure it out. It was for the best. Dolores hoped Charles could treat Tiana better, “Tell him that I appreciate it.”

Tiana said, “You’re welcome. Charles said he did all these willingly.”

Dolores didn’t continue the topic. She pretended that she didn’t get what Tiana meant, “Please give me some space. I need to be alone with him.”

Dolores can’t bring John into her house. She needed to let Matthew know about it so that he could make arrangements.

“Sure,” said Tiana.

Matthew walked down from the second floor of the villa and asked Coral when he didn’t see Dolores, “Where’s Dolores?”

“Someone rang the bell just now. She wasn’t at the door?” Coral asked.

Dolores walked in when Matthew was about to go out and looked for her.

“Charles sent a person here,” Dolores immediately told Matthew, “He’s right outside.”

Matthew marched towards the entrance, “Stay in the house. I’ll deal with it.”

Dolores nodded.

Tom led Matthew into the car, and Matthew saw the unconscious John. Matthew gave Boyce a call and asked him to take John away.


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