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Snare of Love novel Chapter 582

“Who was the witness?” Boyce asked.

John’s face went pale out of fear. He swallowed his saliva, “I…I’ll tell you everything. Don’t kill me.”

Armand stopped. He wasn’t going to let him go, but instead, he needed to hear what John said first. Armand sneered, “Tell. But keep in mind, I will let you die in misery if I found out that you’re lying.”

John said, “I won’t. I won’t. I’ll tell you the whole story, but can you let me go if you told you?”

“I will let you out of here,” said Armand.

John took a breath of relief. There’ll be hope as long as he got out of this place. These people were crazy. John was so scared that he would die here. He told Armand everything without overthinking, “I wanted to rape her at first. She was pretty and she took advantage of me. She was initially friendly to me, so I thought she would want to sleep with me. But she attacked me with the candlestick after I untie the ropes for her. See, these wounds came from her. I didn’t rape her. For real. I’ve told you everything. Can you let me go now?”

Armand was amused, “You wanted to rape Theresa and you wanted me to let you go? Are you dreaming?”

Armand was ready to hear his worst assumption came true. He was thinking even if Theresa was raped, he wouldn’t turn away from her. Armand wanted to take care of Theresa in his best effort. Now that Armand had heard the truth from John, he felt so happy that Theresa wasn’t raped.

After all, it would traumatize Theresa if she was raped. Those who were mentally weak might not even have the courage to stay alive.

John widened his eyes and raised his voice, “How can you break your promise? You said you would let me out of here. I’ve told you the truth.”

Armand squatted and pinched John’s jaw. He sneered, “Is Declan blind to make you his assistant? You’re stupid. I did tell you that I would let you out of here, but did I say that you’re going to walk out of here? You can get out of here lying down as well.”

John was terrified. He knelt down in front of Armand, “Please forgive me. I’ve learned my mistakes. I won’t do it again.”

John was a bully and a wimpy person. He would have been put into an important position if he was capable. He became Declan’s assistant because Declan’s previous assistant was arrested, so Declan promoted him. John wasn’t capable at all. He got promoted because he always buttered Declan up and that was why Declan remembered him.

However, John was a disappointment. He made a big mistake before he got to enjoy his glory days.

Armand rolled up his sleeves and said cruelly, “Which hand did you use to touch her?”

John quickly hid his right hand. Then he kept his arms crossed after he realized his movements was too obvious. John cried loudly, “I’m sorry. Let me go, please. I will do just about anything for you.”

“Is it the right hand?” Armand grasped John’s hair and pulled him backwards, “Are you going to surrender it or should I do it for you?”

Snot covered John’s face as he cried. At this moment, John didn’t look like a man at all. He was weak, wimpy and cowardly.

“Bastard,” Armand scolded John in a disgusted tone. He pulled John’s hair and repeatedly pushed his head against the wall. John was in pain. He screamed like a wounded horse. Boyce couldn’t stand the screams and handed Armand a roll of duct tape.

“I thought the interrogation room was sound-proof?” Armand didn’t understand why Boyce did that.

Boyce didn’t even want to look at John. John didn’t deserve to be a man.

“It’s painful to hear.”

Armand got Boyce’s point and took the duct tape from Boyce. John quickly ran to another corner, “Please. Please let me go.”

“Hold him down,” Armand signalled Boyce.

John quickly ran away when he saw Boyce approaching him. He would have died if he didn’t run. However, John only got to run a few steps before Boyce caught him. Boyce twisted John’s arms and let Armand sealed his lips.

Armand sealed the tape around John’s head. Then, Armand threw the duct tape away and told Boyce, “Give me his right hand.”

Boyce pulled John’s right hand on the floor. Armand slapped John’s face and said, “I don’t deserve to be a man if I don’t cripple you.”

John couldn’t make any sound. His face was pale out of fear, but he couldn’t free himself. All John could do was watch Armand stepped on his hand.

The sound of bone cracking came under Armand’s feet. John’s face was twisted in pain.

Armand wriggled his leg. He was wearing a pair of leather shoes. John’s fingers were disfigured under Armand’s feet. Then, Boyce let go of John and stood aside.


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