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Snare of Love novel Chapter 584

The head of the public relations department exited the office and closed the door.

Matthew walked over and sat beside her, “I think she has a point, why don’t we take this opportunity ...”

“Is it the right time now?” Dolores interrupted him, “Not to mention the fact that you haven’t settled the previous issue, my stomach can’t even fit into a wedding dress.”

“I’ll have someone make you a larger size one, as for Declan’s issue, are we not going to get married once we don’t solve the issue?” Matthew had made up his mind. He did not want the public to misunderstand them. He wanted to give her and the children a proper identity.

‘My son and daughter will go to primary school soon. If they have an unclear identity, they will be speculated.’

“But ...”

“Listen to me this time.” His attitude was unusually resolute and could not be denied, “If it’s not for you, you have to think of your children. They need a proper identity to stand up in front of everyone.”

Dolores lowered her eyes. She understood what Matthew meant. It was just that Theresa had not recovered from her injuries and Declan’s issue had not yet settled, she thought that it was not a right time to get married now.

However, Matthew also had a point. The two children needed their identities. It was fine for her to be speculated, but not for the two children.

That would cause them to be distressed. If it was serious, it would affect them psychologically.

She lowered her eyes, “I’ll do as you say, you arrange it.”

Matthew said yes softly. He reached out his hand to lift her hair and twisted it between his fingers, “I’ll ask dad to help us to set up a date.”

Dolores’ parents were no longer around and he only had his father, so it was right that the elders should attend the wedding so that it looked official. Furthermore, it was good to hold the wedding on a lucky day. Although he was not superstitious, he wanted to pick an auspicious day to hold the wedding feast he had always wanted for Dolores.

He was thinking about where was the most suitable place to hold the wedding.

However, Dolores’ mood did not seem to be high.

He could not help but felt a little lost. Was not every woman have a vision of her wedding?

Why she did not have it?

“Don’t you even have any ideas?”

Dolores took his hand away and told him to behave appropriately. It was bad to let the secretary see that when she came in. She replied seriously, “Yes, but that was in the past. Now, I have got used to you.”

Even without a wedding, she had already thought of Matthew as her husband.

She once imagined that she would meet a man who was like a prince and then she would dress up beautifully, held his hand and walked into the hall of marriage when she was a young girl.

She wished to give birth to a son and a daughter and lived a normal life. But then a lot of unexpected things happened. She betrayed herself, got pregnant and married him.

Those things had already shattered all her wonderful illusions and disqualified her from being loved.


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