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Snare of Love novel Chapter 585

Dolores hadn't realized, "On top of where?"

"My body," he smiled.

Dolores, “…”

"You might be perceived as a decent and cold guy, but you aren't." Dolores knew now.

A man that seemed calm, cold and introverted usually had another wild side hidden behind.

He had never taken anything seriously.

How come she never noticed it before?

Matthew leaned towards her and put his lips on the tip of her nose, smiling, "What kind of person am I?"

Dolores tilted her head but was stopped by him, "Do not avoid me."

His smile and tease made Dolores wanted to take initiative in controlling the situation. She no longer avoiding instead looked straight into his eyes, grabbed his necktie, gradually moved up until she reached his collar and unbuttoned one of his buttons.

She touched his skin with her fingers lightly, this move made him thirst, and swallowed his saliva, "Do you want to try it right now?" he asked with a low voice.

Dolores's red and seductive lips lifted, slightly embarrassed, "Can I?" she smiled.

No straight man would say no to this.

While he was a completely straight man, there was no way he would say no.

Dolores sat up from the couch and raised her chin, “Lie down.”

Matthew doubted, ‘she’s much more relax and open-minded compare to before but does she wants to do it?'

“Quick.” Dolores pushed him down as he was in deep thought, she seemed to be in rush.

She wore a skirt and deliberately rubbed her legs against his sensitive area, she then lowered her body onto his, smiling flirtatiously while touching her chest and whispered, “Close your eyes, I’m shy if you keep looking at me like this.”

A few strands of her hair fell as she lowered her body and it rubbed against his cheeks like feathers, it was soft and alluring.

Matthew felt hot. Her flirtatious move was like a drug he couldn’t reject.

He was a calm and pretty resistant person but it all collapsed in front of Dolores.

Dolores kissed his eyes, “I’m going to undress now, wait and don’t peek.”

Matthew nodded collaboratively, he was suspecting but now he was sure that she didn’t intend to do anything, she was just making fun of him.

But he was happy to play along just to make her happy.

There was a second where he truly believed that Dolores was serious, but he knew it was just a fun game the moment Dolores asked him not to peek.

Dolores grinned, looking at the man on the couch. She then walked quietly and open the door, she was not that crazy to do such a thing in bright daylight at the office.

While she was about to close the door, the secretary brought food over. She signaled her to be quiet and so she approached her silently.

Dolores took the food and whispered, “Tell him I left.”

She didn’t realize that the man opened his eyes the moment she turned around and he was now standing neatly dressed behind her.

Matthew stopped the secretary who was about to greet him and signaled her to be quiet, he wanted Dolores to feel that her evil plan succeeded.

The secretary was confused, ‘What’s this couple up to? They are acting strange.’

She couldn’t understand.

Dolores took a taxi back to the villa and bumped into Abbott who was coming out from the villa.

“Missus,” Abbott greeted, thinking Dolores knew Matthew arranged for an extra maid, so he didn’t say much.

Dolores saw that he was empty-handed, so he wasn’t here to collect things, “Why are you here?”

“You have no idea?” Abbott was stunned.

“What?” Dolores confused.


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