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Snare of Love novel Chapter 595

After listening to him, Declan was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Charles had already planted a seed of doubt in his mind. He was even more distrustful of John after hearing Boyce’s words.

Moreover, the incident that Boyce mentioned actually happened two years ago. When a new girl was serving a powerful person, she didn’t know the rules and her performance didn’t satisfy the powerful person. Out of anger, Declan ordered his men to teach the girl a lesson. All of his men were rough men and didn’t know when to stop. In the end, they accidentally killed her.

As the incident had happened a long time ago, he almost forgot about the incident. Since he heard someone mentioning the incident again, he thought that he was betrayed by his own people.

Declan turned to look at Jaden and said softly, “Thank you for your time today.”

After he had finished talking, he left the club angrily.

Jaden who had sat across him curled his lip and finally understood what had happened. It seemed that Boyce and Matthew had put on an act to deceive Declan.

Actually, they didn’t really deceive Declan. John did confess some things regarding Declan. Since Declan didn’t favor him, he didn’t know much about the confidential matters. It was Boyce who had found out about the incident. Boyce purposely said that John had confessed in order to make Declan think that John had betrayed him first.

According to the results of Boyce’s investigation, John was involved in the death of the girl, so he didn’t mention it.

All of the things that John had confessed were trivial and didn’t involve his own wrongdoings. Although he didn’t have strength of character, he was very aware that he should keep mum about the things that would be unfavorable for him.

After Declan left the club, he ordered his men to bring John to the villa.

When he angrily returned to the villa, John was already brought to the villa.

Since he was suddenly brought to the villa, John was quite uneasy and said carefully, “Mr. Bailey…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the corners of Declan’s mouth quirked up grimly. Declan didn’t say anything and kicked John. John fell to the ground. Since he was already badly injured, he couldn’t get up at once. He clutched his stomach and convulsed with pain.

“Didn’t you say that you were not interrogated?” Declan crouched down and clasped his jaw, “You dared to betray me?”

John widened his eyes. ‘Hasn’t Declan already believed in me? Why does Declan suddenly know about this?’

“You should never believe that crippled person’s words…”


John was slapped. Declan was furious, “How would it be false when I heard it with my own ears? I knew it. How was it possible that they didn’t interrogate you and even sent you back when you were in their hands? It turned out that you not only betrayed me but also agreed to spy on me for them so that you could investigate me. John, I treated you well. I never thought that you would dare to do this to me!”

Declan was infuriated. He did everything possible to save John, but John betrayed him. He found it harder to accept this than to accept the fact that his girlfriend had been cheating on him.

He wished that he could immediately strangle John to death so that he could get back at John!

John was puzzled. He had said some things about Declan, but the things he said weren’t significant enough for them to take action against Declan. ‘When did I agree to become their spy?’

“There is definitely a misunderstanding…”

“Misunderstanding!” The more Declan thought about it, the angrier he became. He then slapped John’s face twice. As he used too much strength, half of his arm felt numb. John had a mouthful of blood. His face which was originally unsightly became even more red and swollen. His face resembled a roasted pig’s head.

“I am not a deaf yet!” His angry expression disappeared and there was smiles on Declan’s face, “John, do you still remember my words?”

John was so afraid that he started trembling. The blood in his mouth had already seeped into the front of his shirt. The blood stains were exceptionally obvious on his hospital clothes that had white and blue stripes.

To save his own life, he lay face downwards on the ground and hugged Declan’s leg, “Mr. Bailey, you have to believe me. I really did not betray you. I swear that if I betrayed you, I will be struck by lightning and die a horrible death.”

At that moment, there was suddenly a clap of thunder outside.

John didn’t know what to say.

Declan also didn’t know what to say.

“I see that the divine beings also want you to be struck by lightning.” Declan kicked him aside and shouted at his men to come over there, “Throw him into the sea and feed him to the fish!”

“Mr. Bailey, you have to believe me.” John crawled towards Declan and cried while hugging Declan’s leg, “I really did not betray you. I beg you to believe me.”

Declan looked at John who was acting like a dog and laughed coldly, “I also want to believe you. But considering your incompetence, I will be surprised if you didn’t betray me!”

‘He didn’t have guts. It would be strange if he didn’t confess to them!’

“Why are all of you standing there?” Declan shouted angrily. A few of his men immediately pulled John away from him.

“I beg you to believe me. I really did not betray you.” John still refused to admit that he had confessed to them. If he admitted it, he would die.

But even if he didn’t admit it, Declan was sure that John had betrayed him.

Declan took advantage of the situation to punish John so that he could warn his men. He wanted to let his men see the plight of the person who had betrayed him!

“I will not treat those who follow me badly. But if someone betrays me, he will die!” Declan said aggressively. Nobody could save John!

To intimidate his men, Declan personally grabbed John and headed out.


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