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Snare of Love novel Chapter 594

"Are you sure?" Going through the dimly lit corridor, Matthew asked.

It was day, but the inside of the club did not have windows and it was so dark as if it was night. The club was brightened up with lights, it was very quiet.

The central air conditioner released cold breeze and the surrounding did not feel muggy.

Boyce said he was sure. "The man I sent to follow him said he came here."

He paused. "I wish he had been killed by a car on the road that day, so he wouldn't have to make trouble now!"

Matthew looked at him. That did not look like him.

Boyce smiled. "I can't help complaining about him."

Matthew retrieved his look and did not speak again.

Boyce knew Declan was there, but he did not know the exact suite he was in. "I'll ask someone."

Matthew agreed. Boyce went and came back, saying, "I’ve booked the 302 suite which is on the third floor, next to his."

The reason why it was called a private club was that it was very secluded, and only those who were close to the boss were received.

Matthew was not close to the boss there, but Mr. Tyrone, who had a good relationship with him, was very close to the boss there. Knowing Matthew had come, he received him himself.

"Old Kenneth told me. I didn't know you were coming. If I did, I'll arrange a suite for you myself." The owner of the club's surname was Wells. Everybody called him Jaden.

Boyce went to inquire about Declan. Jaden knew that Matthew was coming, so he came out to receive him in person.

"You're welcome. I may have something else to trouble you." Matthew smiled lightly. He used to look neither enthusiastic nor cold when socializing, and his tone was just right.

"If you need anything, just tell me." Jaden smiled. He looked decent; it was just that his nickname seemed to belong to a little gangster.

After entering the suite, Jaden introduced the uniqueness of the place. The place provided meals and drinks which was suitable for friends' gatherings. The service was formal and cautious.

Because of it being well secluded, some people would bring their girlfriends there specially for meal. The food there was very unique and rare when compared with the food outside.

"What do you need? I'll have it delivered here," Jaden asked with a smile.

Matthew looked around the suite. "I heard that Declan Bailey is just next door?"

Jaden paused, smiled and said, "Yes."

"Do you have good sound insulation here?"

"That's for sure. It's quite good, even better than the sound insulation effect of a karaoke box," Jaden said assertively.

Boyce glimpsed at him. "What if we want the ones next door to hear us?"

Jaden was speechless and baffled.

That was unreasonable.

Who would want their conversation to be heard?

"Are you joking?" Jaden was not sure whether Boyce meant what he said or not, or whether he was deliberately testing him.

"Do I look like I’m joking?" Boyce looked at Jaden with a straight face.

Jaden hesitated. He turned and looked at Matthew, "Well..."

Matthew cut him off and asked, "Is it difficult to do so?"

Jaden shook his head profusely. Matthew's words made him realized that was not a joke.

In fact, if they want to eavesdrop on Declan's conversation with his friends, he would not be so surprised. It was strange to let people eavesdrop on their own conversation.

All the people he received here were acquaintances. He would not do what the nightclubs did, setting up tricks in the suites to spy on what the guests do.

His club did not have such thing.

He pondered and asked, "I suppose it doesn't matter what method you use as long as Declan hears you?"


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