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Snare of Love novel Chapter 607

It was a quiet night. The room was unlit and only a ray of moonlight shone in through the window. The furnishings of the house were vaguely visible.

He walked in gently.

Theresa had just laid down but she could not fall asleep. So, she drew the diagram and only stopped drawing when her neck hurt as she kept lowering her head. She knew it as soon as the door was knocked. However, she just did not make any noise and pretended to sleep with her eyes closed.

Armand did not notice it at all since the light was not very bright and clear. He could not see Theresa’s expression, so he could not notice it.

He gently moved the chair beside him to the bedside. Then, he sat down and just looked at her quietly.

He wanted to say many things deep in his heart to her, but he did not know how to start.

He did not know how to express his feelings.

He reached out and grasped her hand in his palm. He rested his head on her. Late night, all living creatures fell into a deep sleep, only he was still awake and was able to hear her breathing clearly as well as gazing at her.

No more repentance could penetrate one’s heart as deeply as this moment of peace.

He was imagining her appearance in his mind quietly.

Although her appearance had changed, he knew clearly that it was still her and she remained the same deep in his heart.

Everybody made mistakes and so did I.

I did not ask for your forgiveness, but I just hoped that I could see you from time to time.

Theresa, I felt sorry as I was the one who hurt and upset you. I was suffering too since you lost your baby. If it was not for my fault, I would become a father now.

Whenever it was late at night, I often thought if only I could lose my memory, I would not feel so sad too.

God gave me the chance but I did not appreciate it.

If I had the chance to start all over again, I would take good care of you and not let you get any hurt.

I would hold your hand until we were old.

If you still hated me, please continue to do so. At least then, you would still think of me in your heart.

Theresa, you were the one who let me understand what it meant to be engraved in my heart. Even though you had hurt my pride, I still wanted to have you back with me guiltily.

Even if you always scolded me, my heart was still warm.


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