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Snare of Love novel Chapter 608

Matthew pretended that he did not hear her and continued sleeping while hugging her.

Dolores frowned, “I really want to take a picture of your rogue appearance and show it to the staff in your company.”

Matthew approached her and said in a hoarse voice just like somebody who had just woken up, “Do you want me to take off my clothes and then only you take a picture of me?”

Dolores was speechless.

The word ‘shameless’ could no longer describe him.

“Stop making fun, I really need to get up.” Dolores said seriously, “I’m going down to see if Armand was drunk all night yesterday. Not sure whether Theresa was asleep.”

Previously, Theresa looked quite firm. But yesterday, it seemed that she was not as heartless as she appeared to be when facing Armand.

She sighed while wondering how she could help them so that they were both fine.

“Why do you sigh?” Matthew raised his head and looked at her. The day had just dawned and it was not good to sigh early in the morning.

“I’m wondering if there is something in Theresa’s mind that she didn’t tell me. It doesn’t feel like she has completely lost hope in Armand. Hey…what are you doing?!” She was saying something when Matthew actually bit her.

“Can you stop thinking about other people’s business all the time?” Matthew was not sleepy anymore as he reached out to caress her stomach, “For the sake of our daughter, you should worry less.”

Dolores lifted her shirt and looked at her waist. Fortunately, there were no marks left. Matthew pinched her cheek, “I have a sense of proportion.”

“I thought you…never mind. Get up.” She lifted the blanket and got down from the bed. Matthew sat still, “What do you want to say next? Do you want to scold me?”

She put on her slippers and walked to the wardrobe to find the clothes that she wanted to wear today. She said without looking back, “Well, I want to say that you’re so childish.”

Matthew looked at her back. He held his chin while admiring his wife’s delicate body that was very slender even though she was pregnant. She was wearing a camisole nightdress with her white and fair arms exposed. Her long black hair was scattered at the back of her head, but it did not look messy even though she had not combed it yet.

He told Dolores that Jayden would come back from White City in the next few days. He must return for their wedding since he also missed the children.

Dolores asked if Kevin was coming.

Matthew said that he would come.

“That’s good. Let him stay here too in the future. He is already old and doesn’t have anybody around him. We will take care of him in the future.” Dolores took out the clothes she was going to wear today and looked back at him, “Do you really want to hold the wedding?”

Matthew nodded, “I have chosen the venue. You don’t have to do anything. I will arrange everything.”

Dolores could only nod her head, “I will have to invite my uncle to come over at that time.”

Matthew got down from the bed. He approached her and hugged her, “We will invite whoever you wish.”

Dolores pushed him away, “I’m going to wash up.”

Matthew kissed her cheek, “Go ahead.”

She changed her clothes after washing herself. She could not go downstairs in her pyjamas as there were outsiders in the house. She came out after dressing herself neatly. As she walked past the cloakroom and saw Matthew tidying his shirt sleeves, she walked in and looked at the colour of his trousers. She then took a suitable tie, “Let me help you.”

She reached up to him and flipped up his collar to insert the tie. Then, she folded it back down and made a tie knot gently. Matthew lowered his head and looked at her serious expression. He said, “Your daughter complained that I didn’t accompany her.”

Dolores looked up at him and asked, “When?”

“Yesterday.” He reached out to caress his wife’s stomach, “I really wish he would be born quickly. So, we can go for a honeymoon after the wedding.”


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