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Snare of Love novel Chapter 614

Where did she go?

Boyce turned around and left, he saw that someone was coming towards him so he asked, "Did you see anyone leaving from my office?"

The person shook his head and said, "I haven't seen."

She had no place to go, did she go back to the school?

When Boyce thought of that, he went towards the door with big steps, he almost ran into Wendy who came inside.

"In a rush? Where are you going?" Wendy was wearing a flower dress, white sandals and her hair was open, she was wearing make up and looked at him laughing.

Boyce answered, "Nothing."

"Since you got nothing to do, why don't we have some tea together, I wanna talk to you." She curled her lips, "Let's find a place, or should we stay in your office?"

"Wendy, actually I don have something..."

"Didn't you just say there was nothing? Or are you trying to hide from me? Because of what happened in my apartment the other time?"


"So what is it? We have known each other so long, don't you understand me? I am here to apologize, I got divorced to Corey because he cheated on me, I have my opinions to men, that is why I always show an unpleasant face to everyone, these days I really regretted it, I want to say sorry to you in person."

"No need, it's okay, I didn't take it to heart, I really got something to do, I have got to go." After Boyce said that, he nodded apologetic and left quickly."

"I am here."

Just as Boyce walked out of the gate, Jasmine called out for him.

She didn't leave, she only wanted to find someone to get more information on the situation, she wanted to take her mother away to bury, when she walked pass the main department office, she heard Officer Miller talk to Boyce.

Even thought she wanted to be the person who was able to help Boyce, but she knew, even if she finished her degree, she might not be the person who could do that. Even now he already had a high position, he was such a good person, he should be able to get better.

He should marry a woman who was able to help him.

Boyce frowned, "Where did you go?"

"I went to someone who was on the case, I got the information I needed, I want to bury her soon."

Wendy was smiling, "You guys talk, I won't disturb you."

In that moment she was again the person that seemed to be of good character, but in her heart she wasn't thinking that at all.

But to save the impression that Boyce had of her, she had to do that.

After saying so, she left.

In the moment she turned her back to them, the smile on her face vanished.

"If you need my help, let me know." Boyce said.

Jasmine shook her head, "There is nothing, I will take her home for the funeral."

Boyce looked at her, "You, are you good?"

Before she looked as if she wasn't able to take it on anymore, why did she seem fine now?

How could she be okay? She was only hiding it, she was a strong a person all along.

"People cannot come back from the dead, I will have to do my best to live my life well, I think my mother wouldn't want to see me sad."

"It's good that you think like that." Boyce sighed, he was afraid she wouldn't be able to walk out of it.

"Boyce." Armand came inside, he saw that Jasmine was there and smiled while greeting her, "Oh, Jasmine, you are also here."

"You guys must have something to talk about, I am leaving now." Jasmine nodded towards them, turned around to leave, she already got the explanation to the process, after getting everything done she could take the body home.

Armand put his arm around Boyce shoulder, "Are you fighting? Why does she seem upset? Her eyes are swollen too, did you bully her?"


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