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Snare of Love novel Chapter 615

Dolores frowned, mainly because this was not worth of the money, but she didn't scold her daughter, because she knew this was a game, it wasn't about what the doll cost, it was the process that was fun.

She padded her daughter on the head, "Was it fun?"

Amanda nodded her head heavily, "I was so happy, anything I wanted Daddy bought for me."

As she said so, she took out a luxurious bag from the plastic bag she took home, she put it on, and showed it to Dolores, "Mommy, does it look good?"

She turned a few circles.


Dolores said that it looked good, she reached out for the bag, there was another one inside, Amanda ran over, "Mommy, this is a pair of bags for mother and daughter, this one is yours, next time we will wear it together."

Dolores took it out, it really was the same as her daughters, the newest Hermes bag with stitchwork. No matter which kind of product, the newest edition was always expensive, especially this one was Hermes, it couldn't be cheap at all.

The bag she bought the last time she hadn't even used yet, "It's a little wasted."

"Mommy, don't you like it?" Amanda asked.

"I like it." No woman could stand against that, even though she thought it was a waste of money, but she was still happy in her heart, especially it was bought by her husband.

At this time the door bell rang, Lucy was preparing a meal in the kitchen, Coral went in the room to help Theresa, she heard that the two kids were back, so she called Coral to help her, nobody was free to open the door, Dolores got up to do it.

It was Boyce outside with Armand.


Dolores turned to the side to let them in.

If they came at this time it was clearly for dinner, Dolores called for Lucy and told her to make a little more.

"Did you go shopping?" Armand saw that there were many things on the couch.

Dolores didn't get to answer yet when Amanda already started showing off, "Sure, Daddy took us to play."

Armand laughed, "Really?"

"Sure." Amanda smiled, she put her things back into the bag, as if she thought of something, she patted herself on the head, "Right, we bought something for Cotton."

It was a light blue dog suit with a cap.

Amanda put it on Cotton happily, Dolores stood on the side and watched how happy her daughter was, and couldn't help but to laugh.

"What do you two want to drink?" Dolores asked Armand and Boyce.

"I am not thirsty." Boyce said, Armand also said he wasn't going to drink anything, because he already had water at Boyce office.

"You even bought something for your dog, didn't you get anything for me?" Armand said to Amanda after sitting down on the couch.

Amanda looked up with big eyes, "Why would I buy anything for you?"

He humphed, Andrew couldn't help but to laugh.

"Armand even..." He stopped talking.

Armand looked at Andrew who held his hand on his mouth, and asked with squinted eyes, "What do you want to say? Why did you stop talking?"

He wasn't stupid, clearly he knew what he wanted to say.

Andrew shook his head, he didn't dare to say it and also couldn't.

Amanda didn't know what her brother wanted to say, so she asked, "What did you want to say? Why are you not saying it? How can you just leave it half sentence?"

Andrew said, "I cannot say it, Armand will hit me."

"What do you want to say, why would he hit you?" Amanda kept asking, she had the attitude of wanting to get to the ground of it.

"What your brother wants to say is that he is not even better than a dog."Theresa, who was held by Coral came out, heard their conversation and answered Amanda's question.

"Oh so that was it." Amanda seemed to understand after thinking about it, she even bought something for Cotton, but didn't get anything for Armand, so he wasn't even as worthy as a dog.

"Next time I will get you something, what do you like?" She looked up.

Armand looked at her cute big eyes, and felt very warm in his heart, he reached out to pinch her face, "Thank you, why are you so cute?"


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