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Snare of Love novel Chapter 628

This delivery did not indicate the sender’s name.

It contained a document, and also a USB flash drive. The content of the USB flash drive was a video of Declan Bailey and some men at the seaside. The footage clearly recorded that Declan ordered someone to sink John Kinney into the sea. The document was also some evidences of Declan’s crime.

He was investigating Declan in order to find the evidence of his crime; but now, it was sent to him spontaneously.

For a moment, he wasn’t able to guess who gave it to him.

He didn’t think of Matthew Nelson. He was well aware that Matthew wouldn’t like to do things with him, so he subconsciously removed him as a possibility.

However, what he didn’t expect would be that Matthew was the one who sent him the delivery.

Although he didn’t like Charles White, he would take advantage of things when it’s time.

Borrowing other people’s hands to achieve his own goal was a common technique used by Matthew.

He wouldn’t treat an enemy’s enemy as a friend, but could be as a cannon fodder.

Knowing that Charles’ men suffered from Declan last time, he understood that Charles wouldn’t suffer in silence.

If it was Declan who messed with his men, he also wouldn’t just leave it alone.

Just like this time when Declan framed Boyce Shawn. Initially, the plan wasn’t supposed to be carried out now, as the chance wasn’t matured yet; however, he still did it.

Right now, Old Mr. Roger Bailey was definitely embroiled since the truth had broken out. Many people were looking at them, and it wouldn’t be easy for him to run from the sanctions of the law this time.

At this critical point, if the evidence of Declan was revealed, it would undoubtedly worsen the situation.

He believed that Charles was a smart man, and knew what to do.

Just as he expected, after Charles received the delivery, he would be curious of the sender, but he knew better that this was good opportunity not to be missed.

Although it would be difficult for Old Mr. Bailey to emancipate himself for the time being, he could not allow miracles to happen, so he had to grab this opportunity.

After getting the evidence, he didn’t blindly go to find the sender, but rather went to find those thugs in the video.

The thugs would be interrogated. Of course, they wouldn’t tell kindly, but after using some means, they would confess, and the confessions would be recorded in order to prevent them from defecting when they would testify.

After the evidences were sufficient and preparations were well, he would then go find those who provided the information.

If it wasn’t that something happened to Old Mr. Bailey, who would dare mess with Declan easily? This could be perceived as when a person faced setbacks, other people would grab this opportunity to attack him until he totally lost. They couldn’t wait to make the situation worse.

Politics and market were the same; both were like war, as they were fighting for their own interests.

The next after the matter of Old Mr. Bailey got exposed, people from the prosecutor’s office came and took Declan away.

However, this seemingly secretive matter had already been known by the big media; they waited outside of the Bailey family’s house, and captured the first photo.

If yesterday’s matter was already shocking, then today’s was even more unbelievable.

The netizens started guessing that did his son do something bad like his father?

When everyone’s curiosity reached the peak, someone on the internet posted a video of Declan sinking a person.

As things build up to this point, it was totally uncontrollable now.

Soon, the person handling the case of Declan provided a statement saying that Declan was to be detained and investigated after someone had filed a report.

The authenticity of the video footage remained to be verified.

Everyone must not guess malevolently.

The current state of internet was too advanced. Just a slight disturbance, it would quickly spread around. Not everyone could treat it rationally, believing what they had seen, but this was already the truth.

That’s why on the internet, it became a one-sided situation.

They all condemned the Bailey father and son.

Netizens’ comments were full of insults.

‘Children will follow the example set by their parents. This saying must be made for this Bailey father and son in which both the father and son being conscienceless.’ This comment was liked 500,000 times.

'This is the evil in the blood which must be punished severely. It’s better to have the person be castrated in order to avoid the inheritance of the evil genes.’

Someone replied, 'There is nothing wrong with your thinking ‘smiley face’'


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