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Snare of Love novel Chapter 629

“After Tom’s injury gets better, you guys go back to White City.” Alan was afraid dragged him into this.

Charles knew he was doing for the good of himself, but how could he walk away reassuringly without seeing the result of this matter?

“You have done enough.” Alan sat on the chair, “Superiors had created a task force to investigate on this incident. Once verified with conclusive evidence, even the reincarnation of God couldn’t save them, so there is no need for you to stay in this mess.”

After hearing the severity of this incident, Charles asked, “Are you in the task force?”

Alan shook his head, “All of them were sent from the top. I have relations with the Bailey family, so they wouldn’t include me. This time, the superiors are very focus on this matter, as it has gotten bad. If the situation goes worst, I might also be investigated.”

“This is so serious?” Charles frowned slightly, and had probably known the result of this incident.

“At this juncture, the superiors have been deliberately intimidating the officials below.” Making brutal examples for others to see, the government would also use such methods.

After all, the crackdown on underworld forces measures, issued by the government, had just come to an end, and then this sort of thing happened. This equated to a slap to their face, and had to be punished severely.

“This time, you have to listen to me. You have to go back as early as possible to avoid you being affected.”

Alan understood the seriousness of this incident.

“About those officials whom you have relations with, I will deal with them. You don’t need to worry about it and just take Tiana Meyer to White City and have a simple life.” Alan stretched his hand and patted his shoulder, “Don’t let me worry.”

Charles only thought about himself at that time, and didn’t take Alan into account. He knew Alan’s character and his relationship with Mrs. Meyer, so he didn't tell Alan. Instead, he did things behind his back to find people around him by using Alan and his identity as relationship. Now thinking of what he had done, it gave Alan quite a lot of trouble. After all, his personality was famous in the circle, but he had tarnished his name.

“I’m sorry.”

“We are one family; that phrase sounded like a stranger.” Alan appreciated Charles, and at the same time, loved him as a son-in-law.


The door was knocked this time; Tiana’s voice could be heard, “Dad, Charles, it’s time to eat.”

“I hear you.” Alan said to his daughter.

“Let’s go out and eat.” Alan walked up front to open the order for Charles to come out easily.

Dinner was prepared by Tiana. The news was so sensational that it’s hard to keep Mrs. Meyer from knowing. Regardless, something happened to the people who were related to her by blood. She was in bad mood, and was just lying at the bed inside not coming out.

Alan let them eat first, “I’ll go see your mother.”

Afterwards, Alan walked inside the room. Mrs. Meyer was lying at the bed as if she was sick; she had not much energy, and looked entirely weary.

Alan sat by the edge of the bed, “The kids are here; get up and eat something.”

“I don’t have the appetite. I cannot really eat anything.” Mrs. Meyer said softly, and her voice sounded weak.

Alan sighed, “How about I quit my job, and let’s go with the kids and live at White City?”

Mrs. Meyer immediately sat up, “How can you do that?”

She knew clearly that her husband was someone with aspirations and ideals, and that was also what she admired.

An honest person willing to do work with integrity was now hard to find. She held her husband’s hand, “Did I affect you?”

Alan stared, “You and I are a couple. There’s nothing to be affected.”

Mrs. Meyers wasn’t stupid. This incident was very serious. Whoever had relations with the Bailey family, they would probably be implicated.

“Mom, Dad, can I come in?”

Tiana was knocking the door from the outside.

“Come in.” Mrs. Meyer let go of her husband’s hand and spoke.

Tiana opened the door, and took the tray from Charles’ hands then walked in. On the tray was food, “Mom, you eat something. You didn’t eat lunch, so you have to eat dinner or you would starve.”

Mrs. Meyer reluctantly smiled, “It’s better to have a daughter.”

Tiana placed the food on the table by the bed, “I cooked what you like to eat, so hurry up and eat.”

Mrs. Meyer first drank water.

“Mom, you come live with us in White City.” Charles said.


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