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Snare of Love novel Chapter 633

Dolores moaned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Do you plan to keep holding me like this?" Matthew blinked, raised his brow, and looked at her passionately.

"You don't like me hugging you?" Dolores acted like she didn't know what he meant.

Matthew wrapped his arms around her waist lightly, not daring to use too much force, "Let's do something else."

"Like what?" Dolores asked.

"Something that a husband and wife do." His hands began rubbing her waist against her clothes.

Dolores looked up, "I like it when you are serious."

Matthew was speechless. 'You are the one that seduces me and now rejects me? She wants to torture him, also what's the problem of doing things that a husband and wife do?'

Dolores moved aside and sat up, "Go shower and sleep."

Matthew didn't move, lying on the bed, "Didn't you say you don't mind my sweat?"

"If you can fall asleep without a shower, I don't mind either." Dolores pulled the blanket under his body and was ready to sleep.

Matthew sat up and looked at her, "Shower or not is not the reason I can't fall asleep."

Dolores pretended that she didn't hear him and told him Jayden and Kevin were here.

Matthew nodded and went to shower. a

Dolores remained awake, waiting for him to finish.

Half an hour later, Matthew came out of the shower with bathrobes on while Dolores got downstairs to get his pyjamas.

"I'm not wearing pyjamas," Matthew said.

Dolores looked at him, "You want to sleep like this?"

Matthew nodded.

"Have you no shame?" She didn't know what to do with such a man.

"I have no shame in front of you," he said as he rubbed her belly, "Otherwise, you won't be pregnant."

Dolores was at loss for words. She threw the pyjamas on the bed, "Up to you."

And she climbed onto the bed, pretending to be angry.

Matthew leaned in and looked at her, "Are you angry?"

Dolores turned her head and remained silent.

“All right, I will put it on.” Matthew took the pyjamas and stood in front of her, “Can you take off the bathrobe for me?”

“You are such shameless…”

He cut her off using his kiss.

“Are you angry?” Matthew asked as he kissed her.

“Are you going to make it up to me if I’m angry?” Dolores asked.

"Yes." He replied without hesitation as he walked to the cupboard and took out Dolores' pyjamas.

“Why are you holding my pyjamas?” Dolores was confused.

“I’ll put this on.”

Dolores couldn’t imagine him dressing in her pyjamas, but it was funny, she smiled, “Stop the nonsense, and don’t break my pyjamas.”

“You smile.” Matthew walked over.


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