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Snare of Love novel Chapter 634

Dolores pressed the answer button, “Hello.”

The other side hung up soon a female voice was heard.

Dolores looked at the mobile in bafflement.

Matthew finished washing up and glance at her, “Who was it?”

Dolores shook her head, “I don’t know, it was hung up right after I answered it.”

Matthew didn’t concern, “Wrong number perhaps.”

Dolores wasn’t sure but it did not seem like it, it seemed like it was hung up after hearing her voice. But she didn’t think much.

“Breakfast is ready, come down when you are ready.” Dolores put the mobile on the table and walked out.

Amanda stood at the door in her pyjamas and messy hair, she looked up at Dolores and asked, “Mommy, I heard Daddy’s voice, is Daddy back?”

Dolores said, “Go wash up and change and I’ll tell you…”


She saw Matthew came out of the washroom while Dolores was still speaking. She dashed up to him at once, hugged his leg, and looked up, “Daddy, when did you come back?”

Matthew bent to carry her, “Let’s see if you’ve gained weight.”

“Did I?” Amanda wrapped her arms around his neck.


She liked eating and sleeping. She had gained weight but not fat, she was just slightly heavier and taller than before.

She now looked like an elementary school kid.

Amanda looked at him, “When did you come back?”

“Last night,” Matthew answered, “Let me wash you up.”

“Sure,” Amanda said, giggling.

She was happy to have Daddy washing her up.

When Matthew walked past Dolores with Amanda in his arms, she said delightfully, “Mommy, Daddy is going to wash me up.”

Dolores shook her head and slapped on her bottom lightly, “Such a lazy bug.”

Super lazy bug.

Amanda wasn’t upset, she was giggling.

“I’ll go down first,” Dolores said to Matthew.

He nodded and brought Amanda to the washroom.

Dolores instructed Lucy to set the table for breakfast, everyone was awake and it was time for breakfast.

While everyone was seated one after another at the dining table, ready for breakfast, Matthew came down the stairs holding hands with his daughter.

“When did you come back, Daddy?” Andrew asked.

It was a question that everyone wanted to ask.

“Last night,” Matthew said as he put Amanda on the chair.

He sat next to Amanda and greeted Jayden and Kevin briefly, "I wasn't home for a few days due to some issues."

They didn't ask more as they knew they couldn't help much so not asking was wiser.

Jayden had full trust and confidence towards Matthew, he believed he took every step with careful thought and would not act impulsively.

"Let me know if you need anything from me." Although Jayden had retired he still had a broad network.

Their relationship was not close due to Victoria and he had never come to him no matter what.

Now that the truth was revealed, he hoped their relationship would improve.

Matthew said yes.

"Let your father and I do your wedding preparation if you are busy," Kevin said knowing he was busy while wedding preparation needed someone to make arrangements.

Matthew was okay to let Kevin handle everything, he only had one request that the wedding needed to be grand.


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