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Snare of Love novel Chapter 637

‘Yes, it has come to this point. It’s obviously irreparable, unless time can be turned back, or a miracle occurs.’

“What do you think, what shall we do now?” Emma looked towards Athena.

The Bailey family seemed like a large family, but when something happened, only a few people could lend a helping hand.

The children were not raised together. Their bonds were not strong. The daughters were quite critical of their parents, so it was normal that they were not united when something happened.


“Don’t think about it, didn’t Maisy make it very clear the other day? We have to blame our parents when they don’t want to help. If our parents gave more care and love to them, they will not be so determined. In our parents’ minds, the son is the most important. He’s spoiled. He only knows how to get into trouble.” Emma understood her sisters’ minds, “We have to prepare for the worst. If we can protect Declan, we shall try our best to protect him.”

Athena thought the same, “Let’s go to see mum and discuss it with her.”

Emma nodded.

At ten o’clock at noon, as Dolores prepared to go out, Theresa asked her, “Are you going to pick up Uncle?”

Dolores nodded, “He’s just come over, he’s definitely not familiar with the environment here, I’ll go and pick him up.”

“I’ll go, you just tell me where the location is, when the time comes, we’ll go there straight.”

Dolores looked at her and asked again, “Have you really thought about it?”

Theresa nodded, “Yea.”

Dolores had no choice but to agree with her, “Alright. It’s at YD restaurant which is not far from the company.”

Theresa smiled at her, “The way you’re frowning is not cute. Don’t frown, I’ve thought about it and will be responsible for my actions, so don’t worry about me.”

Dolores reached out her hands to hug her, “As long as you feel comfortable.”

‘In fact, she has a point, life doesn’t put pressure on her, if being with her lover makes her feel stressed, it’s better to be a little more relaxed by being apart.’

After Theresa left, Dolores also left the villa afterwards and went to the company to look for Matthew.

However, Matthew was not in his office. He was in the reception room, talking to someone else. Although the commotion was big and the head paid a lot of attention to it, he still could not take it lightly. He had to make observations and keep a close eye on the progress.

Dolores did not ask his secretary to inform him. She waited for him in his office.

When Matthew came back from his discussion, his secretary told him that Dolores had come over. He quickened his pace and walked into the office. He pushed open the door and saw that Dolores was sitting in front of his desk, reading the documents on his desk.

In fact, she could not understand a lot of the professional vocabulary. She was just bored.

Hearing the door-opening sound, she looked up and seeing that it was him. She asked, “Are you done?”


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