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Snare of Love novel Chapter 638

The two of them walked into the restaurant. Since they had made a reservation, the waiter led them to a reserved seat after they said their names.

“The desserts here are good.” The pastry chef of this restaurant was hired from F country. The desserts were famous and many people came here for the desserts.

Dolores frowned, “They haven’t arrived yet, shall we eat first?”

“You eat a little first,” Matthew said.

Knowing that Dolores liked to eat sweet food after she was pregnant, he arranged the meeting here, just to let her try the desserts here as they rarely came out together.

Dolores did not refuse. She found the environment here elegant and relatively quiet. The customers coming in and out were all very polite.

The place was full of male waiters, who wore black waistcoats, white shirts and black neckties. They stood in front of the tables to deliver the menus.

Matthew flipped through the menu and asked, “Is there anything in particular you want to eat?”

Dolores shook her head, “You order.”

Today, she did not have much appetite and did not want to eat anything right away.

Without seeking her opinion, Matthew ordered two desserts and a glass of goat milk.

He closed the menu and handed it to the waiter, “That’s all.”

“We will bring your meal to you soon.” The waiter bent down and retreated after saying that.

As she waited, Dolores fiddled with a freshly blooming red rose on the table in boredom.

Matthew looked at her quietly, feeling that she was like a child at the moment, a little childish, a little cute.

He reached out his hand to smooth her hair, “Be careful not to prick your hand.”

‘A rose is beautiful but it has thorns.’

‘Those who want to get it will always have to suffer a little.’

Dolores withdrew her hand, feeling that the rose was like Theresa, covered in thorns, but her thorns would only prick Armand.

Not long after, the waiter brought them all the desserts.

There were two desserts. The first one was a lemon tart. The lemon tart was the signature dish in F country. The authentic way was to make a tart filling with the juice of a yellow lemon, cream, sugar and egg, plus a little bit of yellow lemon peel shavings to add aroma. Strawberries and crunchy candies were made into a lemon shape as a garnish.

The combination of lemon and cream was sweet but not overwhelming, with the flavour of lemon and the fluffiness of cake, a delightful shape and excellent flavour, making it a very popular dessert.

Another dessert was the F-style mille-feuille, where the puff pastry had to be made by folding it six times over and over again to produce a crispy pastry. Each layer was brushed with a little wine. Interleaved was a layer of puff pastry and a layer of custard sauce with vanilla seeds. Finally, sprinkle the top layer with icing sugar, dried fruit and a glass of goat milk to make it nutritious and delicious.

“They look delicious.” Dolores picked up a spoon, probably because she was so greedy due to her pregnancy.

Furthermore, the desserts looked delicious. She cut a small piece of lemon tart and put it in her mouth, the texture was soft and with a strong lemon fragrance, sweet with some acidity, not too prominent, just the right amount, not too sweet, not at all cloying, it was a very tasty dessert.

The mille-feuille tasted good too.

It might be because it was noon now and she was hungry, so she ate very quickly.


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