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Snare of Love novel Chapter 639

Dolores didn’t say anything.

She had no idea how to tell him or use what kind of words to tell him.

“Dolores, just get to the point. The more you stammer, the more uneasy I am.” Armand Bernie was on tenterhooks.

If it was a good thing, she wouldn’t be so tangled.

Then there was only one answer as what was unspeakable wasn’t something good.

She looked at him, “Theresa Gordon has her reasons for whatever decision she makes, you shouldn’t …”

When she spoke, his gaze stared out the glass window. She followed his sight and looked out, then she saw the scene of Theresa holding Oscar Adams’s arm and getting out of the car.

She sighed as she thought, ‘She still do it’.

“Dolores.” He averted his eyes and looked at her, “The thing that is unspeakable is that she is actually having another new love, right?”

Dolores said, “Calm down a bit.”

Armand laughed and leaned back in his chair, “Are she going to protest about me since she gets an old man?”

“I’m not protesting about you, I just don’t want you to bug me like a dog.”

When he said this, Theresa and Oscar walked in together, so she answered after she had heard his words.

Armand looked at her for two seconds and suddenly got up to grab her wrist, “I’ve something to talk with you.”

“Say it right here if you’ve anything to say.”

Theresa tried to break free from his hands.

He forcefully pulled her away despite her rejection with red eyes.

She struggled all the way, but there was a disparity between the strength of men and women. She couldn’t break free from his grip and was taken by him all the way to the street outside the restaurant.

“Armand, quickly let go of me!” she shouted and seemed to have some signs of anger.

He threw her against the wall in the alley, “Say, what do you really want?”

“As you can see.” She stared at him without hiding.

As if to show how frank she was at this moment.

He squinted, “That old man?”

“I think man who is older is much better than you. There is a saying which elder man is more caring, right? It just so happens that he is very loving, better than you do.” She was so eloquent and what she said hurt him so much.

His face was as red as if it had been burned by fire.

She rubbed her red wrist, “He can give me a sense of security and can also take care of me. We don’t have any conflicts except for the age difference. Besides, age is nothing in front of true love.”

She ignored his furious face and continued saying, “What I regret most is that I can’t give him my pure body, but he doesn’t mind. This makes me very happy …”

Suddenly, he grabbed her neck and pinned her against the wall.

He roared at her with a low voice, “You lie to me!”

She was still being heartless, “If you don’t believe, I can call him out and kiss him in front of you, or I can prove it to you if you want to see a hotter scene.

Armand just kept his eyes on her and his red eyes gradually filled with tears, he cried hoarsely, “Theresa, if you do so, it would really be the end of us.”

“I’ve done with you long ago, it’s just you who isn’t clear about it.” Her hands which hung at the side, tightly clenched into fists.

Her fingernails almost sank into the fresh of her palms. Only pain could keep her awake and make her look calm.

“I, Theresa, wouldn’t look for you anymore. You and I, are absolutely no longer possible!” she said word by word. At the meantime she hurt Armand, she was hurting herself, as if she was poked by a knife.

“Good, good, good, very good.” He slowly withdrew his hands, every time he said the word ‘good’, he told himself in his mind, ‘Just give up, give up, give up’. He quickly turned his head as he didn’t want her to see his tears rolling down his face.

He turned his back to Theresa, “I’ll not bug you again. You and I …are done!” After saying that, he took a step to leave.

Theresa leaned against the wall motionless and looked at his back. She was inexplicably sad, as if there was a large ball of cotton stuffed in her throat and made her breathless. She could only breathe by opening her mouth, with her tears gushing out.

Armand didn’t leave but went back to the restaurant, more like proving to Theresa that he really didn’t love her and wouldn’t show any feelings to her anymore.

Oscar was complaining to Dolores, “I’ve no choice but to promise her.”

Dolores knew that she had decided and would definitely pester him in various ways to help her in acting.


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