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Snare of Love novel Chapter 651

“It’s from a lady,” said the waitress.

“A lady?” Theresa was quite curious. She knew almost everyone around Dolores, wondering which friend of Dolores still hadn’t attended the wedding ceremony yet.

“Did she have any message?” asked Dolores.

She was wearing the wedding dress, so it was inconvenient for her to stand up and walked over. However, she had overheard their conversation.

She was pretty sure that all of her friends had come here. Others who couldn’t make it had called her for blessings. No one mentioned that there would be a gift sent to her.

Hence, she was quite alert to the person unknown.

The waitress shook her head, “She didn’t mention her name at all. She only asked me to send you this gift box,” answered the waitress honestly.

“Where did she hand the box to you?” asked Boyce.

Cameras were installed everywhere. As long as the waitress could give them any clue, they could easily find out the sender.

The waitress blinked, sensing that there must be something wrong with this matter. All of them were quite sensitive as if she was delivering a bomb.

She wondered if that was a bomb in the gift box for real.

As the waitress wondered, her hands started trembling.

She swallowed hard and continued, “At North Gate. The lady looked pretty. She said she’s a friend of the bride and asked me to send over the wedding gift. So, I... I took it here...”

Upon hearing her answers, Boyce immediately called to request the surveillance record. After that, he hung up the phone and took over the gift box.

“Thank you. You may leave now.”

The waitress immediately left as if they would make trouble to her if she stayed there longer.

Boyce untied the ribbon on the box. Theresa reached out to press his hand. Looking at him, she asked, “What are you doing?”

Boyce said, “I want to open it and take a look. We don’t know who has sent this box. What if there’s something dangerous inside?”

If the dangerous thing harmed Dolores, he couldn’t explain it to Matthew at all.


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