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Snare of Love novel Chapter 652

Theresa was more nervous than Dolores was. She clenched her fists, afraid that there would be a hazard in there.

However, after the packaging paper was removed, they saw a set of pink lingerie, which looked extremely seductive.

Boyce took a glance and turned around. Theresa was afraid there would be any tricks, so she picked up the lingerie and completely removed the remained package paper on it. There was nothing but that lingerie inside the box.

Frowning, she asked, “Who the heck has sent it?”

Dolores couldn’t figure it out either. If she had known it, she wouldn’t be so nervous just now. She put back the lid on the box and said, “Don’t tell Matthew about it now.”

“Are you sure?” Boyce was afraid that in case something happened, he couldn’t explain it to Matthew.

“It doesn’t matter. If it was from someone we know, it would be quite embarrassing.” Dolores made up her mind.

After the wedding, she’ll tell Matthew about it personally.

She didn’t want to hide it forever, but she would wait until their wedding was over.

Right then, the makeup artist knocked on the door and came in, “Ms. Flores, it’s almost time for the ceremony. Please let me fix your makeup.”

Dolores looked over at Boyce and Theresa, “All right. Be happy. Today is the happiest day in my life.”

Theresa nodded. While the makeup artist came in, she handed the bouquet to Dolores, “I’ll go to check on the kids next door,” said Theresa.

Dolores nodded in agreement.

At three o’clock. Dolores was standing in front of the gate of the hall, waiting to enter.

Theresa and other staff were tidying the wedding dress for her. Andrew and Amanda were standing by her side.

She wouldn’t be taken in by her father, but instead, she would be holding hands with her kids while walking in.

They were quite obedient. It seemed others had told them about things to pay attention to. They were quite sensitive, standing upright next to her.

When it was ten past three, the thick and heavy door was opened slowly. A spotlight fell on her and then was divided into three spotlights - one on her and the other on the kids.

Everyone was looking over at them.

The hall was full of people. Although there were not many family members in the Nelson family, they had a lot of business partners.

There was a red carpet on the floor, along which there were bouquets. The hall was quite fantastic and romantic, like a scene in a fairy tale.

Tightly holding the kids’ hands, Dolores stepped in slowly. As soon as she entered the hall, the wedding march was played.

Everyone started applauding.


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