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Snare of Love novel Chapter 653

They arrived at the end of the red carpet, and the wedding march was finished. Another song was played.

With the pre-tune, they heard a gentle voice.

Noah was standing at the door, walking in while holding the microphone.

He wasn’t Sean Lee right now. He was Noah Harris, Jeffery’s son, a member of the Harris family.

He used to be a superstar. He didn’t only look handsome but also sang very well. With his emotional voice, he started singing the song ‘To You’.

“He’ll be your groom. From now on, he’s the partner for the rest of your life.

His everything will be relevant to you. You will share happiness and misfortune.

She’ll be your bride. She was taken to you by heart.

You must take care of her well all your life. You’ll share the bitterness and sweetness with her.

It must be a special fate that has brought you together to form a family.

He loves you more and you love him more. That leads to happiness.

You won’t be alone from now on. You’ll think as one.

How much you give, how much you’ll be loved. It must be a special fate that has brought you together to form a family...”

When walking to the couple, Noah singed emotionally.

Dolores didn’t want to weep at her wedding. However, when seeing him, she couldn’t help shedding tears.

She couldn’t hold back her tears at all. They continuously dropped from her eyes.

No matter how much she wanted to deny or ignore them, they were still related in blood.

Although she distanced herself from them, deep in her heart, she still longed for family affection.

After the song ended, Noah stopped singing. Standing not far away from Dolores, with reddish eyes, he called, “Dolores, my dear cousin.”

No matter what happened among the elders, they were still beloved cousins.

Noah still treated Matthew as his older brother and Dolores as his sister-in-law. However, he only called her cousin because it could fully express how much he loved and respect Dolores as his family member.

His blessing and addressing to Dolores could erase all the grudge and hatred between them.

Dolores covered her lips and held the hemline of her wedding dress, walking to him. Noah trotted to her and hugged her.

They didn’t speak because no words could express their feelings now. They only hugged each other in silence.

Matthew had forgiven the Harris family. He had done everything he could. Now, he just hoped that Dolores had a family.

She had already done enough for him. Hence, it was his turn to do something for her.

He didn’t want her to be alone again.

Watching them, Jeffery couldn’t stop weeping on the chair. Marina held him and stroked his back. Jessica was invited to attend this wedding as well. Watching the scene on the stage, she was sobbing as well.


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