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Snare of Love novel Chapter 658

Boyce said, “All right. I’ll send my men to watch her.”

“Call me if there’s anything.” Matthew took a sip of water, taking a rest while leaning against the back of the sofa.

Boyce was sitting next to him sensibly. He didn’t speak to disturb Matthew.

In the room next door, Theresa had been thinking for a long moment before answering Dolores. She stood up, walked to the window, and peered out.

“I don’t care about him. It’s just... I hid the reason why I broke up with him, and I feel sorry for him.”

She didn’t tell him the truth but hid something that she didn’t want to face.

“I don’t want him to break down because of my matter.” She had done it for his good.

And also, it was for her own good.

Her health problem was like a cell phone, which couldn’t be made for calls. Its existence was strange and unacceptable by others.

“Do you know why Armand hadn’t shown up?” Dolores knew that she felt self-contemptuous. She couldn’t face the fact. However, being unable to give birth wasn’t a dead end. What if Armand wouldn’t care?

Why couldn’t Theresa give him and herself a chance?

They could face it together, couldn’t they?

“He had a fight with someone in a bar, and his faces were full of wounds and bruises. Hence, he didn’t show up at our wedding.”

Her words were reechoing in Theresa’s mind.

“Has he been hurt seriously?” Theresa turned around to look at her.

Dolores looked at her, “You’ve broken up with him, haven’t you? Why do you still care if he has been hurt seriously?”

She intentionally wanted to tear Theresa’s disguise off. Theresa cared about Armand truly, but she was too stubborn to admit it.

“I’ll call him over. You can ask him yourself.” Dolores stood up, walking to the door. Theresa hurriedly to pull her, “No, please don’t. I don’t want to see him.”

“Why don’t you want to see me?” Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Armand was standing at the door. He took off the sunglasses, exposing the bruises at the corner of his eyes. He gazed at Theresa, “What kind of excuse you’ve hidden from me?”

Dolores looked at Armand and grabbed Theresa’s shoulder, “You’d better tell him. If you truly want to break up with him, you should let him know the reason. He has the right to know it.”

After finishing her words, Dolores walked out of the door, leaving the private space to them.

Theresa bent down her head. She wanted to leave the lounge as well. When she reached the door, Armand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into the lounge. He also closed the door.

“You must tell me what you’ve hidden from me. Otherwise, I won’t let you go.” Armand was quite aggressive.

Theresa held herself with both arms, lacking security.

She even dared not to look into Armand’s eyes, “I’ve hidden nothing from you.”

“For real?” Armand obviously didn’t buy it.

“Anything to do with Oscar?” Armand grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

Theresa hurriedly shook her head, “No. It has nothing to do with him.”

She just asked Oscar to help her. She didn’t want Armand to misunderstand him again and bring trouble for him.

“If it has nothing to do with him, then with whom?”

“Please stop asking. We’ve broken up. Please don’t disturb me,” Theresa growled, trying hard to struggle free from his grip.

Armand clenched his fists, staring at her for a few seconds, “Okay. If you’re not willing to tell me, I’ll go ask Dolores. I believe she must know it.”

After that, he turned away and was about to go.

“Stop, Armand!” Theresa stopped him.


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