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Snare of Love novel Chapter 659

“What are you doing?” Theresa snatched the knife from him. Armand raised his hands and dodged from her, “If there’s one way to prove my love to you, I can show it with my life. I used to hurt you...”

“Stop it! Calm down!” Theresa snapped to interrupt him, “Put the knife down!”

Armand looked at her and refused, “No. I want to prove it to you.”

“I don’t need it!” Theresa was in a panic, afraid that he would hurt himself, “Put the knife down. I believe you.”

“Really?” Armand faked as if he didn’t believe, but inwardly he was overjoyed. He could tell that Theresa worried about him. If not, how could she be afraid that he would hurt himself?

“Theresa,” Armand looked at her and said seriously, “I’m sorry.”

Theresa turned away and couldn’t help shedding tears. Armand put down the knife and held her. H whispered in her ear, “Please forgive me, Theresa. It was my bad.”

The more he spoke, the more fierce that Theresa wept. She didn’t know what happen. Probably she was crying for the harm she had experience or her misfortune.

When Armand saw her crying, his eyes couldn’t help but get reddened. Since this woman met him, she had suffered a lot and been in difficulties. Now, she had lost the right to be a mother.

God treated her so cruelly!

He tightened his hug on her, “Theresa, from now on, I won’t any mistakes again.”

He wanted to prove his love to her through his practical actions.

He wouldn’t hurt her anymore.

“Have you made up your mind?” Theresa was still uncertain, and nor could she have the confidence in Armand.

She believed that Armand still loved her, but if they would be together, they wouldn’t have their own children for the rest of life.

In ancient times, it meant that Armand would have no descendants.

“I won’t do the surrogacy either.” Probably it was too early for her to make such a statement, but she needed to tell Armand about her rock bottom.

If he couldn’t accept her, he should let go of her now.

“Neither will I. I won’t let any other woman give birth to my child except for you.” Armand kissed her on her cheek, “Please trust me.”

Theresa closed her eyes, “You are my destiny,” she muttered.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of him at all.

She had always thought that she was a strong woman. It wasn’t until now did she realize that she wasn’t that strong at all.

After Armand got to know the truth, his attitude finally erased the upset in her heart. She felt quite warm.

It turned out that it would be more relaxing for two persons to share the burden than bearing it by themselves. When she bluntly told him the truth, it wasn’t as terrible as she had imagined, and nor was it so difficult to face.

It wasn’t so difficult as she had imagined. On the contrary, after she told the truth, she felt relaxed and peaceful.

Armand sat on the sofa while holding her, “So, you want me to give up so you acted with Oscar?”


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