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Snare of Love novel Chapter 663

Dolores patted him on his hand, “It hurts!”

Matthew laughed in fury, “Are you playing a sympathy-getting ploy?”

Dolores realized that she was wrong. She should not have suspected him, even just a little. Right now, they were a couple. The most important between a couple was trust.

Earlier, she didn’t fall into the trap after seeing those photos. But this time, it was different. Emma was quite smart. She didn’t expose things completely but hinted at her to overthink.

Dolores realized that she had been careless, almost falling into the trap.

It was her fault, so she admitted it.

She took the initiative and sat on Matthew’s lap. Wrapping around his neck with her arms, she played at being cute to him, “Does my sympathy-getting ploy work for you?”

Matthew looked down. Even if he got upset because of being suspected, looking at her pitiful face, he didn’t have the heart to blame her, “Your sympathy-getting ploy might not work for me. I’m quite cold-hearted and I don’t know how to treasure beauty. You can play the honey-trap for me.”

Dolores smiled, “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

Matthew carried her in his arms and walked to the room, “If not, why would I want to make love to you every day?”

Dolores struggles and pushed him, “It’s still daytime. Why are you carrying me into the bedroom?”

“To prove how charming you are.” Matthew kicked the door close.

Dolores was unwilling, “No way. I don’t want it!”

Matthew’s voice rang out behind the door, “What don’t you want?”

“What do you want?” asked Dolores.

“I’ve fallen into your honey-trap, so I’m lured by your beauty. What else can I do?”

“I’m so tired,” Dolores refused, making an excuse, “Doing it too much is bad for the baby.”

In the name of “just getting married”, Matthew kept making love to her. Although the baby had been bigger and stable, Dolores didn’t believe it would be so strong to bear it.

“Okay. I’ll only hold you without doing anything then.” Matthew held her in his arms. Her worry for the baby worked more than anything else. He behaved himself immediately.

Matthew kissed her lips, “After giving birth to this baby, we shall have no more.”

Dolores asked, “Is it because you want to satisfy your desire or you care about me?”

“I feel sorry for you.” Matthew held her tightly. When he went to get the examination result, he passed by the delivery room and heard the women who were giving birth howling and crying. It must hurt a lot. Otherwise, how could an adult let out such a loud voice?

“Did you cry when giving birth to Amy and Andy?”

Dolores nestled in his arms and whispered, “Yes, I shed tears, but I didn’t let out any screen. Next to me, a woman kept cursing her husband. It was quite hilarious.”

“If it hurts too much when you give birth, you should curse me as well,” said Matthew dotingly.

Dolores laughed, “It’ll be so disgracing. I won’t do it.”

She changed the subject, “Shall we go home tomorrow?”

The elders were staying at home now. Matthew and she couldn’t stay out all the time.

Matthew hummed, “Yeah. Recently, it’s quite dangerous outside. Before the matter of Roger Bailey and Declan Bailey is done, you’d better stay home if I’m not with you. I’m afraid that they would do something desperate.”

Although he also kept an eye on the Bailey family, just in case, he couldn’t feel easy until everything had been settled.

Dolores agreed. She understood what Matthew meant. The woman named Emma was obviously doing something desperate. She even came over and cast a bone between Matthew and her.

Dolores once again complained about herself for being so silly as she almost fell into the trap.

The next day, Matthew went to work. Dolores went back to the villa. Arriving home, she immediately went to find Theresa.

She asked Theresa how it went between Armand and her.

Theresa looked down, “We’ve decided to start it over again. I should have listened to you back then and told him the truth. It turns out that it’s not so difficult to face it after telling him the truth.”


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