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Snare of Love novel Chapter 664

“Okay. Sure. Please think it over.” Officer Miller heaved a sigh, “I feel so disgraced in front of you.”

Then he changed the subject, “I’m willing to do it for my child. The parents always do things for their children all their lives. All because of the parents’ love!”

Boyce filled Officer Miller’s glass with the liquor, “Yes, I understand.”

He knew Officer Miller very well. Even if he didn’t agree in the end, Officer Miller wouldn’t hate him. Officer Miller treasured his dignity a lot. Right now, he asked Boyce to date his daughter, and Boyce could tell how hard it was for him.

“Please don’t be stressed.” Officer Miller Picked up the glass and clinked with Boyce’s.

Boyce said he wouldn’t.

After dinner, Wendy suggested driving him home, “You drank some liquor. I’ll send you home.”

Boyce looked at her and nodded in agreement.

Officer Miller watched them go out, heaving another sigh. Mrs. Miller didn’t like it when her husband kept sighing. She said, “Why are you sighing? Boyce should agree. Wendy is pretty and well-educated. She deserves him!”

Officer Miller cast her a cold glance, “She’s married once. Just upon this, she doesn’t deserve Boyce.”

Mrs. Miller was rendered speechless for a long while. Then she retorted, “So what Wendy divorced? Didn’t he have a girlfriend before?”

Officer Miller put his hands behind and walked to the bedroom, “I’m not in the mood to argue with you.”

Mrs. Miller didn’t get angry though. She forced her husband to directly tell Boyce about his purpose, which had been bothering her husband a lot.

Her husband treasured his dignity all his life. Today, he had lost it to his subordinate, so he felt quite upset.

Mrs. Miller started to clean up the table.

Outside, Boyce got in Wendy’s car.

“Fasten your seat belt,” Wendy reminded him.

Boyce was quite upset, so he hadn’t heard Wendy’s words. Squinting, he rubbed his temples with strength. His mind was still in a mess.

Wendy thought that he had been drunk, so she leaned over so that she could pull the seat belt out and buckle it for him. When she leaned over, Boyce suddenly realized what Wendy was saying, so he hurriedly said, “I’ll do it myself.”

Wendy moved away with a smile, “Are you drunk or thinking about my dad’s words?”


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