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Snare of Love novel Chapter 665

“Wendy...” Boyce wanted to take the chance and make it clear to her.

Wendy wrapped her arms around his waist, “Boyce, I truly like you. Please don’t refuse me. OK?”

Boyce pulled her arms away, “Please stop doing it.”

Wendy wasn’t willing to. Instead, she hugged him more tightly, “Don’t push me away. Please.”

As she spoke, her face clung to Boyce’s chest tightly, “Do you know how much courage I’ve plucked up to ask my father to talk to you about me? If you refused me, I would be too embarrassed. Do you dislike me because I’m divorced?”

“Not really,” Boyce explained. It was just because he didn’t have any feelings for her. While Wendy was hugging him like this, he only felt awkward because she was a woman. He had no fluctuation in his heart at all.

If he liked a girl, he wouldn’t care if she was divorced or not.

He didn’t care much about that kind of thing. The girl didn’t have to be a virgin.

“It’s getting late. You should go home now.” Boyce couldn’t put down his hands at all. He dared not to touch her.

“No way. If you don’t say yes, I won’t let go of you.” Wendy couldn’t care much right now. She didn’t want to pretend to be reserved. All she wanted was to grasp this man. No matter what ways she needed to use, she must get this man.

She had missed him once, so this time, she must grasp him tightly.

“Wendy, don’t you care if I like you or not?” asked Boyce directly.

He didn’t know what to talk to Wendy, so he could only tell her about his current thoughts.

Wendy stiffed a bit. It was a heavy blow to her. Raising her head, she said, “I believe the love could be developed.”

Boyce doubted about her words inwardly.

If so, he couldn’t keep refusing her.

He said, “Okay. I agree.”

Wendy couldn’t believe that Boyce had said yes so soon, “For real?”

Boyce nodded and said, “I never lie.”

Looking at his solemn face, Wendy thought that he was quite cute. She wondered why she never found it before.

If she had known a man like Boyce was worth loving, probably Boyce and she would have children already.

“I’ll go home and tell my parents.” Wendy was overjoyed. Releasing him, she said, “Okay. I’m taking off now.”

Boyce nodded, “Be careful when driving home. Good night.”

Wendy paused, raised her head, and looked at him, “Don’t you ask me to stay?”

Boyce was speechless.

He was confused why he would need to ask her to stay.

It was quite late at night and they had dinner already.

Wendy said with a smile, “Don’t you ask me to stay overnight?”

Boyce choked up.

“I’m just kidding. You look so silly.” Wendy put away her smile, “I’m leaving now. Good night.”

After that, she walked out of his apartment.

Boyce stood motionlessly for a while before coming back to his senses. He walked her to the door.

“Go to bed early. See you,” Wendy said to him at the door.

Boyce nodded and closed the door.

When he was closing the door, he still felt as if he were dreaming. After a long time, he heaved a sigh.

He told himself to make do with her - probably other women wouldn’t be so suitable as she was. Besides, Officer Miller had asked him personally.

If he turned Officer Miller down, he would feel sorry for Officer Miler. After all, Officer Miller had been taking care of him. Boyce felt a bit embarrassed to refuse him.

Anyway, he couldn’t stay single forever.

While trying to convince himself, Boyce sat on the sofa. He gulped down a glass of water and muttered to himself, “In fact, Wendy Miller is not bad. We’ve known each other for a long time. It shouldn’t be bad for us to live together.”


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