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Snare of Love novel Chapter 668

Matthew was quite cooperative. Raising his face, squinting slightly, he said in a magnetic and hoarse tone, “If I admit that I miss you, will you allow me to do something in my office?”

Dolores couldn’t hang on instantly. She couldn’t compare to him in terms of being shameless.

She released him, but Matthew grabbed her hand, unwilling to let her go. With a smile, he said, “You can’t just leave after flirting with me.”

Dolores said coquettishly, “I wasn’t flirting with you. Besides, who has witnessed it, and who can prove it?”

Matthew laughed, “In the future, no matter what you’ll do to me, I must take a video to make it the evidence.”

Dolores didn’t continue teasing him. She stood up from his lap, “Go back to your work. I’ll be waiting for you aside.”

Matthew was unwilling to let go of her, “I can read the documents with you in my arms.”

Dolores was embarrassed, “I don’t think it’s a good idea if someone comes in and sees us.”

“We’re married. Who dares to criticize us?” Matthew said naturally.

Dolores was still unwilling. Matthew didn’t care, pulling her back into his arms. With one hand wrapped on her waist, he opened the file to read with the other.

Knowing him well, Dolores didn’t struggle again. She found a cozy place and sat there. A lot of men the same age as him were becoming fat, but he didn’t have any fat on his belly at all. When he was sitting there, she could only feel the muscles. Even women would envy his shape.

Dolores felt bored. She asked, “Don’t you feel uncomfortable when holding me?”

Matthew looked down at her and answered, “No, I don’t. I like holding you.”

Dolores smiled, nestling in his arms, “What kind of girl is Boyce’s girlfriend? Boyce is so dull, but she has made him accept her. She’s pretty good.”

Boyce was a nice man, but he was pretty slow in love.

Suddenly, he had a girlfriend, which made Dolores quite surprised. Last time Armand said Boyce had a girlfriend, but the latter denied it.

“Have you met the girl named Jasmine Burke?” asked she.

Matthew said no.

In fact, he had met Jasmine, but he forgot.

Armand used to take her to the company once.

Dolores couldn’t understand the document in his hands. The more she read, the more sleepy she was. Yawning, she asked, “When will you finish it?”

Matthew patted her, “Just take a nap if you are sleepy. I’ll wake you up when I’m done.”

Dolores hummed and closed her eyes, leaning against his chest.

She had slept for two hours. Matthew’s lap went numb, but seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he didn’t wake her up, and nor could he make a move, afraid that he would wake her up.

“You should have woken me up.” Dolores rubbed her eyes and stood up from his arms. There was a glass of water on the desk, so she grabbed it over and took a sip, easing the thirst in her throat.

Matthew rubbed his numb thighs, “You were sleeping quite soundly, so I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.”

Dolores put down the water glass and looked at him. She hugged him and pecked on his cheek, “Honey, where are we going to lunch today?”

Matthew was shocked when hearing her calling him honey. He stared at her in a daze for a long while, “What did you call me just now?”

Dolores stood upright and denied it, “Did I call you just now?”

Matthew smiled helplessly, “You are becoming so cunning.”

Dolores leaned against the desk, “That’s used to describe a fox.”


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