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Snare of Love novel Chapter 669

Matthew pulled the chair out for Dolores. After she sat down, he pulled out another one and sat down with Amanda in his arms.

Armand checked the time and said, “Boyce is putting on the air, isn’t he? It’s his treat, but he’s late.”

“Probably he’s delayed by something,” said Dolores. As far as she knew Boyce, he was always a punctual man.

“His girlfriend? Who is it? Hasn’t Jasmine Burke left City B already? Dolores, do you know who his girlfriend is?” Armand recalled that once Boyce had got into a woman’s car. He wondered if that woman was Boyce’s girlfriend.

“Isn’t she Jasmine Burke?” asked Dolores.

Armand shook his head, “That girl has left town...”

“I know who she is. I met her,” Amanda interrupted Armand and said complacently. She was quite proud that she was the first one among them all to meet Boyce’s girlfriend, although she didn’t like that woman at all.

“Really?” Armand asked with a smile, “Is she good-looking?”

Amanda thought for a moment, “Just so-so.”

No matter how good-looking she was, her first impression wasn’t good. It was nothing.

Amanda didn’t care about Wendy’s appearance at all. She only remembered that Wendy wasn’t good.

She couldn’t tell exactly why Wendy was good, but simply she disliked that woman.

Right then, two persons entered the restaurant.

“It’s really inappropriate for us to be late. It’s our treat.” Boyce looked a bit annoyed. He thought that Wendy was quite willful indeed. It was almost time, but she insisted on going home and changing her clothes. Hence, they were late.

“You’re introducing me to your friends today. If I was indecent, I would embarrass you, wouldn’t I?” Wendy knew it was bad to be late, but she would meet Boyce’s friends, so she wanted to show them her best side.

“If I was dirty and ugly, don’t you feel disgraced if you introduce me to your friends?”

Boyce couldn’t win against her verbally. He said indifferently, “I only treasure the character, not the hypocritical appearance. You are who you are. You don’t need to care about others’ criticism.”

Wendy pressed her lips, “Are you angry?”

“No. All right. Here we are.” Boyce meant to stop arguing. He pushed the door of the box open and said with a smile, “I’m sorry. We’re late.”

Wendy was indeed good-looking. She dressed up gracefully. Holding Boyce’s arm, she echoed with a smile, “I’m sorry. There was traffic on the way. We’re late.”

Boyce frowned. Obviously, he didn’t expect that she would lie.

They were late because she insisted on changing her clothes. How could she lie about the traffic?

“It’s alright. Nothing.” Armand smiled, looking at her up and down, He slightly raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, it was truly that woman he had seen once.

Boyce introduced his friends to Wendy, “This is Armand Bernie, a friend of mine.”

Wendy smiled at Armand politely, “Nice to meet you.”

Armand nodded.

Amanda lay prone on Matthew’s shoulder and whispered in his ear, “Daddy, I don’t like this woman. She’s so disgusting.”

Matthew patted her gently and whispered, “Be polite.”

Amanda pouted and whispered, “I told the truth.”

“Dolores, this is Wendy Miller, my girlfriend,” Boyce took Wendy to Dolores and introduced her.

“Nice to met you,” said Wendy with a smile. She looked at Dolores up and down. Pretending to cast a casual glance, she looked at Matthew sitting next to her.

Although Matthew didn’t speak, she noticed this man as soon as she entered the box.

She had never expected that Boyce's friends were like this.

Sure enough, outstanding men made friends with outstanding ones. If she had known that Boyce had such friends, she would have grasped him a long time ago.

Dolores smiled at her, “Nice to meet you, too.”

Her first impression about Wendy was not bad - she was pretty and polite.

“We’ve been waiting for you guys for a long time. Come on. Don’t starve us any longer.”

“Sure. Let’s sit down.” Wendy pulled Boyce to sit down.

Armand pulled out his phone and took a photo of Boyce and Wendy secretly. He sent it to Theresa.

Soon, Theresa sent back an emoji with a surprised look. She asked: “Who is the woman next to Boyce?”

Armand answered: “Guess.”

Theresa: “Tell me or not, I don’t care.” She also sent an emoji with a proud face.


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