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Snare of Love novel Chapter 670

“Haha-” Amanda burst into laughter suddenly.

She was amused by Armand’s words, “Why does Uncle Boyce look like a big fat fish?”

Dolores pulled her into her arms, asking her to be quiet.

Rubbing her hair, she said, “Be a good girl.”

Amanda nodded obediently.

Armand just thought that Boyce was so stupid, “Does your boss want his daughter to marry you?”

Boyce nodded honestly. He could feel it, and Officer Miller did mean it.

Armand sneered, “Since he wants his daughter to marry you, why did he marry her to another man earlier?”

“She didn’t agree to marry me before.”

Upon hearing it, Armand disliked Wendy more, “She didn’t agree before, but now has she realized how good you are?”

After a pause, he asked in a colder and harsh tone, “Are you a backup?”

“Stop criticizing.” Boyce took a sip of the water.

“It’s not that I’m criticizing your relationship. It’s the truth. She didn’t like you before. After divorcing, she liked you. What kind of woman is that?” Armand disdained such a kind of woman, “Boyce, we’re all close friends. Tell us. What are you thinking of? Do you really like her? If you truly like her so much, we won’t disagree.”

Boyce felt annoyed. He kept filling his water glass.

Dolores cast a glance at Armand, “Please stop it.”

“I don’t want to mind his business, but I’m afraid he would suffer loss, be deceived, and regret it.” Armand also gulped down mouthful water, “You must spend the whole life with your wife. You must choose for yourself. I won’t stay for dinner tonight then. I’ve met her. I’m still busy. Gotta go now.”

After finishing his words, Armand pulled the chair away and looked at Boyce, “Boyce, forgive me, but I don’t like this woman at all, no matter what.”

Then he walked out of the box.

Dolores felt quite disappointed as Wendy didn’t like Boyce in the beginning and came back to him after the divorce.

She agreed with Armand - Boyce was just a backup.

Boyce was an outstanding man, but how could she do that?

“Dolores, what do you think?” Boyce looked over at Dolores in confusion.

His mind was in a mess now.

He knew that Wendy and he didn’t fit in all kinds of ways, but he believed that the current status was his life now - as long as he could find someone to marry and live on.

“She can’t decide for your own love. The most important is what you yourself think,” Matthew answered on Dolores’s behalf.

Boyce was quiet.

He had already convinced himself. However, after Armand criticized him, he couldn’t keep calm at all.

He felt as if he had made a wrong decision.

Out of the box, Armand bumped into Wendy, who came back from the ladies’.

Seeing him, Wendy asked with a smile, “Are you leaving? We haven’t had dinner yet.”

“I got something urgent to deal with.” He bypassed her. After a few steps, he stopped, “Excuse me, Miss Miller.”

Wendy maintained her smile and asked, “Yes, Mr. Bernie?”

“Miss Miller, may I ask you a question, please? What do you like about Boyce?”


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