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Snare of Love novel Chapter 675

She quickly squatted down and reached out her hand to move away the hair on the corner of his forehead. It was indeed Boyce’s face. Why was he here?

“Boyce.” Jasmine patted his face. There was no sign of him waking up at all.

She shouted anxiously, “Chris, quickly go and call someone.”

Chris looked at Jasmine blankly, “Ms. Burke, you know him?”

“Go and call someone!” Jasmine was so anxious that she could not help but raised her voice.

“Okay, I’ll go now.” Chris quickly ran away. He tripped over a stone on the way and fell to the ground. He was covered in dirt, but he had no time to clean it. He immediately got up and ran.

Jasmine tried to pick him up, but his body was too heavy for her to get him up off the ground. Looking at the dried blood on his head, she was very sad and her eyes became red.

“Ms. Burke.” The one who came was another teacher, called Keith, a university student.

Most of the people in this village had the surname Weeks.

Jasmine said eagerly as if she had found someone who could save her, “Quick, help me take him to the hospital.”

Keith squatted down and said, “I’ll carry him to the village.”

With Jasmine’s help, Keith experienced a hard time to carry Boyce up. Chris said, “I’ll ask the headmaster to drive the tricycle.”

After saying this, he ran off to the school.

There was a lot of sweat on Keith’s head, “Jasmine, I think you are very nervous, do you know him well?”

Jasmine said yes.

Keith lowered his eyes and continued on his way. Soon, the headmaster came to pick them up in a tricycle, “All get in.”

A tricycle was a three-wheeled vehicle with a compartment at the back for pulling crops during the busy season.

There was a seat next to the driver’s seat which people could sit on it. However, it was narrow. Jasmine climbed into the carriage and said, “Put him at the back.”

She sat down and let Boyce’s head rest on her lap.

Keith also climbed up, sat at the back and said, “I’ll help you.”

Jasmine nodded.

The road was not smooth and bumpy. Jasmine was worried about causing secondary damage to Boyce and said to Keith, “Can you help me to hold his body?”

Keith nodded and sat over to place Boyce’s body on his lap. He used his arms to hold his body in place so as to reduce some of the bumpy feelings.

When they got out of the village, the road was flat and their speed was faster as there was no bump.

It took more than an hour to reach No.2 People’s hospital in the county, where Boyce was successfully admitted to the operating room with the help of the medical staff.

“Ms. Burke, who is he?” The headmaster asked.

The situation was so urgent that he did not have time to ask. When he got off the tricycle, he saw that Jasmine was very worried that her face was pale.

Jasmine lowered her head and said, “A very good friend.”

“Why is he here?” Keith pursed his lips, “Is he here to look for you?”

He liked Jasmine the first time he saw her. Looking at her nervous and anxious face for that man, he was sad.

Jasmine shook her head, “He’s a police officer. I think he’s here due to his works.”

This was the only reason she could think of.

‘Otherwise, why would he appear here for no reason?’

“Thank you,” Jasmine said sincerely. If it was not for their help, she could not send Boyce to the hospital so quickly.

‘If not because of them, I don’t know what will be the situation now.’

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome, we’ve all known each other so well and you’re giving the students lessons for free, we should thank you.” The headmaster smiled. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were deep but still kind.


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