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Snare of Love novel Chapter 676

He had just opened his eyes and was not used to the light. He closed them and opened them again. It took a few iterations before he was completely awake. He remembered that he fell into a river. Then, he was almost hit by a small wooden boat. After that, he was beaten. He could still feel the pain at the back of his head when he thought about it now.

He moved his body. He tried to sit up to see his surroundings. He remembered that the man who knocked him was worrying that he would blackmail him, that was why he hit him. However, how could he take him to the hospital? It did not make sense.

He found that he was pressed when he tried to move his legs. He lowered his head and looked over. It was a familiar face.


‘Why is she here?’

Perhaps it was because he saw her out of the blue, so his heart was beating fast.

Jasmine also woke up slowly. She saw someone looking at her. She rubbed her eyes and said in surprise, “You’re awake?”

Boyce looked at her for a long time before he said, “You ... why are you here?”

“You fainted and were seen by my students, I brought you to the hospital, I shall be the one to ask you, why are you here?” Jasmine sat up and rubbed her arms which were numb as she pillowed them all night, “Does your head still hurt? Are you hungry?”

Boyce did not say anything. He just looked at her and gave an irrelevant answer, “Why did you quit school?”

Jasmine lowered her eyes, “I don’t want to study anymore.”

She used to work hard for her mother and to become a woman who could be a match for him, but then, her mother had passed away and after listening to Officer Miller’s words, she understood that she could not become someone who could help him no matter how hard she tried.

She did not know who else she could work for. She suddenly lost all motivation and direction in life.

After her bewilderment, she hoped that what she had learnt was not in vain, so she came to work as a teacher here. She did not charge any tuition fees. She had some savings that she saved before. While she was working as a teacher, she also worked part-time online, giving online lessons to middle and high school students to earn money, which she used to buy books and exercise books for her students, and partly to live on.

Although she was not very rich, she was good at calculating. She did not spend money indiscriminately. Furthermore, living expenses in the countryside were not that much. If she taught more classes, there would still be extra money.

“It’s a pity to give up on such a good university like that.” Boyce could not understand her thoughts.

Jasmine smiled, “You’re not my parent, just leave me alone, now what about you?”

After she left City B, she changed her phone card and even cut off all connections with the classmates she got along well with.

She thought that since she had decided to leave, she would leave anything.

She thought she would never see him again in her life.

“Your ...”

“Jasmine.” Keith walked in while carrying breakfast.

Keith was 21 years old, a sophomore, tall and thin, wearing a very casual white T-shirt, with white skin and full of vitality.

Boyce wanted to ask Jasmine to borrow him mobile phone so that he could call Matthew to inform him, but he was interrupted by Keith and then he forgot about it.

Seeing Keith bring breakfast to Jasmine and also seeing that he smiled tenderly at Jasmine, countless question marks were raised in his heart.

‘Who is this man?’

“Why do you come over so early?” Jasmine did not expect him to come to the hospital so early, how early did he have to get up to come here so early from the village?

Keith smiled, “Let me guess, you did not eat anything yesterday, am I right?”

Jasmine did not say anything.

“If you don’t say anything, then I have guessed correctly. Knowing that you will not eat properly, so I bring breakfast over early for you to eat.” Keith put the breakfast on the table. Seeing that Boyce had woken up, he said, “Hello.”

Boyce responded.

“I bought breakfast for you guys to eat, it won’t taste good when it gets cold later.” He opened the box of the breakfast he bought. There were congee and pan-fried buns. He handed the pan-fried buns to Jasmine, “This is delicious. When I was in high school in the county, I ate this every morning.”

Keith was a big sunny boy, clean and comfortable to look at, especially when he smiled, he was gentle and kind. Jasmine unconsciously raised the corner of her lips and said, “Thank you.”


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