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Snare of Love novel Chapter 677

Keith was confused in an instant. ‘What kind of relationship does he have with Jasmine? He has even met Jasmine’s mother?’ He thought to himself.

Since he had known Jasmine, Jasmine had never talked about her situation. She simply said that she had no more relatives. She didn’t say anything about the reason why her relatives were gone. He knew nothing about the specific situation.

At the moment, it seemed that Boyce knew everything.

Although they knew each other well, Boyce was not the same age as Jasmine and him.

Perhaps he was overthinking things.

Moreover, since he had met Jasmine’s mother before, he definitely knew Jasmine’s family well.

That way, he could understand Jasmine’s past.

“You are Jasmine’s friend. It is understandable that you want to understand her current living situation. However, the doctor said that your health condition should be observed for 48 hours so you cannot leave now.”

“I am fine. I am familiar with my own body.” Boyce didn’t seek Jasmine’s advice and made his decision.

Jasmine took a look at Keith and then looked at Boyce, “What are the two of you doing?”

“He is your friend. There is nothing wrong with him wanting to see where you live…”

“It is true that he is my friend, but…” Jasmine clearly didn’t want Boyce to intervene in her life again.

She didn’t want that to happen again.

‘It is already embarrassing enough.’

‘If I didn’t write the letter to him and didn’t confess my feelings, I don’t mind it. How am I going to face him in this situation?’

“Can’t I go and see where you live?” Boyce stood up, “Bring me there. I will have a look at it.”

Jasmine stood there motionless. Keith touched her arm, “Let’s go.”

Jasmine was unwilling to do it and looked at Boyce, “You are not my relative, so you don’t have the right to interfere with the quality of my life. Don’t use what my mother entrusted to you as a reason. She is already dead. You don’t need to keep the promise. Since you are fine, you should go back now. There should be many people who are worried about you.”

After she had finished her sentence, she pulled Keith’s hand, “We should go.”

Keith looked at her hand that was pulling his hand and froze. He totally forgot to react to the situation and didn’t struggle to break free. He could feel his accelerated heartbeat.

Boyce stood on the same spot. It seemed that he didn’t expect her to reject his request.

Looking at their backs that disappeared at the door, Boyce forgot about his current situation and didn’t know what he should do at that moment.

After they had walked out of the door, Jasmine let go of Keith’s hand and quickly walked away from the ward. Keith lowered his head, glanced at his hand that had been clutched by Jasmine and held it tightly. He chased after her, “Jasmine.”

“Why do you dislike him so much?”

Jasmine stopped in her tracks, turned around and looked at him, “Who says that I dislike him?”


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