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Snare of Love novel Chapter 691

Armand nervously stared at the phone. He didn’t know when Boyce had come over. He was startled when Boyce came over. His body leaned backward and the small chair tilted, making him fall to the ground.

After a moment, Armand’s eyes widened, “Boyce, what are you doing?”

Boyce stood there, looking at him from above, “Have you done something wrong? How come you are scared like this?”

“You’re the one who has done something wrong!” Armand glared at him. He stood up from the ground while patting his buttocks. He didn’t sit down again. The chair was too short and it wasn’t comfortable to sit on it. To be precise, it was not suitable for people who were tall to sit on it. Otherwise, they had to bend their legs and had an uncomfortable posture.

Jasmine poured him a glass of water, “Drink it.”

Armand reached out to take the glass of water. He didn’t drink it immediately, but asked her, “If Boyce teases you, you will be very angry, right? Will you even ignore him?”

Jasmine blinked her eyes, “Is he the kind of person who would tease people?”

Armand was speechless.

He thought that Jasmine was also true as Boyce was so wooden-headed and it was normal that he didn’t know how to joke with girls.

“Did you tease your girlfriend and she’s ignoring you?” Jasmine looked at Armand’s distressed look and guessed.

Armand laughed a little and explained, “We have a good relationship. I think that she doesn’t have time to reply to me now.”

He didn’t want to let others know how inferior was he in this relationship.

“I feel that you are very nervous,” Jasmine said honestly. If he wasn’t looking at the phone too attentively just now, he also wouldn’t be frightened by Boyce.

“Nervous?” Armand tried to display a calm look, “Am I nervous?”

Armand who forced himself to display a calm look was cute and funny.

Jasmine held back her laughter. She shook her head and said, “You’re not nervous. You’re just a bit anxious.”

He was anxious as his girlfriend didn’t reply to his message.

Armand laughed. He knew that he probably couldn’t hide his emotions. He pointed to Boyce and Jasmine, “Today you two must treat me well. I’m going out to make a phone call.”

With that, Armand walked out of the house. He called Jasmine. It was so hard for him to reunite with her. Therefore, he would feel nervous if Theresa’s behavior was a bit abnormal as he was afraid that something wrong would happen.

In fact, Theresa also didn’t choose to reply to his message deliberately. A customer had come to her shop and she went to serve the customer. Her phone was left in the office. After the customer had selected the model, she only went back to the office after sending her customer away. At this time, it was already the third call he made. She picked up to answer the call.


Theresa frowned, “It’s me.”

“What have you been doing? Why didn’t you reply to my message? You make me feel very worried.” He said with some aggravation.

“I was serving the customer. Why did you keep calling me?”

“I was very nervous as you didn’t answer my call.” Armand smiled.

Jasmine who was inside the house could only see Armand’s expression. She couldn’t hear what he said, but it looked like his girlfriend had answered his call.

“Armand likes his girlfriend very much, right?” Jasmine asked Boyce. Although it was just a minor thing, she could see how much Armand cared about her.

Boyce nodded, “Well, it’s not easy for them to get back together.”

Jasmine was interested in their story, “Tell me more.”

“They had experienced many things and it is not easy to summarize their story. In short, they had gone through many predicaments to get back together. Moreover, you will find it unbelievable if I tell you the whole story.” Boyce did understand Armand’s mood.

Jasmine tilted her head to look at Boyce, “Do you have a lot of memories with him?”

Boyce nodded, “Yes, a lot.”

Jasmine lowered her eyes, “Go chat with your friend first. I will go prepare the lunch first.”

She was a little upset as she felt that she didn’t experience a lot of things with Boyce.


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