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Snare of Love novel Chapter 692

“Why don’t you say anything?” Jasmine looked at Boyce, who was lost in thought, and asked.

Boyce quickly responded, “Nothing, I’m just thinking of something else.”

Jasmine did not continue to ask questions and gave a faint smile.

They went out today, so there were lots of foods. A friend of Boyce came over today, and Jasmine was going to cook more dishes to serve Armand.

Boyce lived alone, and he didn’t know how to cook. Most of the time, he would eat instant noodles. Now, he could only help her by washing the vegetables and the rest had to be done by Jasmine.

Outside, it was a hot day and Armand did not go too far. He just stroll around nearby and stopped in front of the school. The children here were all very simple and naive. As he thought about the fact that he and Theresa could not have children in the future, he felt very down.

This would be their lifelong regret.

It was said that children were the fruit of their parents’ love. Without children, was it a sign that they could only love each other, but wouldn’t have any fruits of their love?

He did not dare to express that he liked children in front of Theresa. He was afraid that Theresa would feel more upset if he did that.

Theresa was the saddest person for not able to have children.

His gaze was gloomy. He took out his phone and sent a text message to Theresa. He wrote, ‘Theresa, I miss you so much.’

These words were from the bottom of his heart.

In City C…

Oscar took Theresa to a very nice restaurant to eat. He said with a smile, “You should have come here with Armand. However, he doesn’t know City C well, so he doesn’t know places with nice food as well as I do. The lamb chop here tastes excellent, I guarantee that you will crave for it once you’ve tried it.”

Theresa laughed, “Uncle, you should find a girlfriend. It will be so pathetic to live alone lifelong.”

“I’m very comfortable living alone. I can change woman whenever I want. If I get a fixed girlfriend, she’ll control me. How uncomfortable will it be? I’m not crazy to treat myself like this.” Oscar was used to it. He, as a normal man, would definitely have needs too. Then again, he could have any kind of women as long as he got the money.

He would not find trouble for himself, and he couldn’t fail the trust of the person who passed away.

“Here, let’s sit here.” Oscar pulled out a chair for Theresa. She smiled and said thank you.

“There’s no need to be so polite to me.” Oscar sat down on the opposite side.

Then, a waiter came over. Oscar knew the menu here, so he ordered a few delicious dishes.

“Have some wine?” Oscar asked, “I have a good bottle of red wine hidden. Do you want to try it?”

“Sure, since someone is willing to treat me to dinner and some good wine, of course I’ll accept it.” Theresa said with a smile.

Oscar gave her a thumbs-up. “I like you being frank. However, you just reconciled with Armand, it’s not good for you to be shared.”

Theresa lowered her eyelids, “It’s always good to give him a test after reconciled.”

She knew that Armand had no parents, but only a grandmother. His grandmother was very eager to have a grandchild. She could not image how Armand’s grandma, Elizabeth, would react when she knew that she was infertile.

Would she oppose them being together? Or ask for a surrogate mother?

Now, she did not dare to think too much about it. She would only retreat after thinking about it.

“That’s right, after all, you’re going to spend your lives together, it’s good to have a test.” Oscar expressed his approval.

“I see that Armand is a good person, and you suit each other too.” Oscar said. At this moment, the waiter brought the dishes and Oscar’s wine to the table. He opened the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Theresa.

Theresa picked up the tall glass and was ready to taste the wine, the phone in her bag vibrated. She took out her phone and the top of the notification bar showed Armand’s name. She clicked on the message and saw the message saying that he missed her.

Her eyes darkened and she replied quickly, ‘Come and see me then.’

Armand was just called by Boyce to return to the house. He sat down on a chair. Jasmine cooked a few delicious dishes. He heard the message ringtone from his phone. He took out his phone quickly and saw the content of Theresa’s message. Then, the corner of his mouth was grinning with joy.

“What made you so happy?” Jasmine was giving him a bowl.


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