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Snare of Love novel Chapter 697

Matthew reminded, “Mailbox.”

She slid across the page, found the mailbox, clicked it and asked, “The first one?”

He replied, “Um.”

There was no title. She clicked and browsed through it.

The content showed Wendy had been went to the obstetrics and gynaecology hospital, and it also indicated the time, place and also the doctor’s identity.

At first she didn’t pay much attention, but then she looked down and saw that it was a copy of the medical record, which was filed at the hospital for each patient. It showed she had an abortion at that time.

Dolores frowned, “She and her ex-husband both had children and divorced?”

He told her to continue reading.

She became more apprehensive, ‘Didn’t Boyce say that Wendy and her ex-husband didn’t have any children and the reason they divorced was because of her husband’s cheating?’

The time of her abortion wasn’t too long ago, it happened about two months ago.

She continued reading and now she couldn’t keep calm anymore.

Her eyes wide opened as there was the evidence of her infidelity below, which showed the records of her visiting the hotel with her lover. Was she having an affair?

Wasn’t her ex-husband who had cheated on her?

She looked up at Matthew, “Is this true?”

“It’s true, Abbott Baron went to check it out personally. The only thing that’s unclear now is how she got her husband to take the blame for this and even her parents were kept in dark.”

She was stunned. Even though she didn’t like Wendy much, she didn’t expect that she could deceive others about this matter.”

Obviously her character was bad.

Wasn’t she lying to Boyce?

Dolores felt that her outlooks had been refreshed.

How could she go so far to deceive her own parents?

At the meantime she felt surprised, she began to worry about Boyce as Wendy was the one whom he had personally introduced to them and acknowledged as his girlfriend.

How would he react if he found out?

What was he going to do?

Matthew sighed as he knew that she was worrying again. He took his phone over and found the messages and photo that Armand had sent over. The photo was taken by Armand at the door when Jasmine Burke was cooking while Boyce was helping her out.

“Take a look.” She took it over without question and saw the picture at first glance.

Who was this girl?

She read the messages Armand had sent and knew that Boyce was now staying with this girl. Her perception was once again refreshed.

She never expected that Boyce would have an affair. Before the matter with Wendy was resolved, he had stayed with another girl over there.

After reading all the messages, she roughly knew what was going on, which the girl he liked was the one who was with him now.

The reason he didn’t come back and deceived Wendy was to make her take the initiative to let go.

She handed the phone to Matthew, “I didn’t expect that Boyce had so many ideas.”

Last time she just heard the name from Armand, but now she was seeing the real person.

“I don’t think it’s right for him to do so. He is wasting her time, he should come back and talk to her clearly.”

If she didn’t give up two months later, what about Boyce?

How could he explain to her?

After all, he was the one who promised it at the beginning.

“You think he could come up with such an idea? According to his character, he should have come back long ago to deal with this matter, most probably it was Armand who gave him the idea.” Matthew was clear about their personalities.

She agreed as it must be Armand’s idea. If it was Boyce, he would have come back immediately to talk to her since he was straightforward.

“Will you tell him about what you’ve found out?” she asked.

She thought that Boyce should know it as it would be beneficial for him to end his relationship with Wendy.

He nodded, “I’ll tell him. As for how to deal with it, he would decide it on his own.”


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