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Snare of Love novel Chapter 698

Was she about to give birth?

Matthew was instantly awake. He turned on the light by the head of the bed and looked at her worriedly, “Does your stomach hurt?”

Dolores frowned and she looked like she was in pain. Matthew didn’t even put on his slippers when he got out of bed. He walked to her side and said, “I’ll bring you to the hospital.”

He leaned over and tried to carry her. Dolores grabbed his hand and shook her head, “No, it’s not my stomach.”

She couldn’t move. Her body was tense, it was because she had a cramp in her leg.

“My leg cramped,” she said painfully.

Matthew lifted the blanket and examined her legs under the light. He rolled up her pyjamas and could see her fair and slender legs before his eyes, “Which one?”

“The right one,” she frowned even harder. It was as if her nerves were in a knot, she grabbed the blanket tightly and said, “It really hurts.”

Matthew’s face was tense, he tried to massage her cramped leg. He didn’t really know what he was doing, he just wanted to ease her pain.

After a while, the pain was finally eased. Dolores looked up and said, “I feel better now. Let’s go to sleep.”

Matthew sat next to her on the bedside and put her legs on his thighs. He continued massaging them.

“Let’s go to the hospital tomorrow.”

Dolores said, “This is normal. Something like this often happens during the 3rd trimester.”

Matthew pursed his lips and didn’t say anything. He couldn’t take the pain away from her. The only thing he could do was to make her feel as comfortable as he could.

Dolores nuzzled her legs against him, “Do you feel bad for me?”

Matthew slapped her legs lightly, “No.”

Dolores moved her legs away and said coquettishly, “Then go away, I don’t need your massages anymore.”

Matthew grabbed her ankle and said, “Don’t move. Be good, I’ll massage you so that you don’t feel pain.”

“But you don’t feel bad for me, I don’t want your massage.” Dolores arched her legs and tried to move away, not letting him touch them.

Matthew chuckled, “So willful.”

Dolores pouted, “Well, I am willful. I order you to take care of me forever.”

“Of course.” Matthew pinched her thighs playfully and Dolores returned his flirting by saying, “Ouch.”

Matthew asked, “Where does it hurt?”

Dolores pointed at her legs.

Matthew leaned over. Dolores noticed that he was about to kiss her and she quickly moved her legs away. She reprimanded him softly, “Matthew Nelson.”

“Don’t be scared, I just want to kiss you.” Matthew stared at her under the dim light, he had a serious look on his face, “If we have a son, let’s send him to City C.”

Dolores was speechless.

She didn’t understand what he was trying to say.

“What if the baby is a girl?” asked Dolores.

“Then I’ll keep her by my side.”

Dolores sat up, she was a bit agitated, “What do you mean? Do you not want the child if he is a boy? Do you hate baby boys?”

“Why would I not want my child?” Matthew scooted closer and hugged her, “I am thinking that if we have a son, he can get your surname. Since you never changed your surname either, we can continue your family lineage like this.”

Matthew and Dolores talked about this before. Dolores kind of understood what he was trying to say.

But what did this have to do with surnames and the gender of the child?

“Why can’t my daughter get my surname?” Dolores remembered that Matthew liked daughters more than sons.

She pouted, “Normally, people would favor sons more than daughters. Why are you the other way around?”


Dolores’ phone vibrated.

Matthew picked it up and saw a message from an unknown number.


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