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Snare of Love novel Chapter 701

Abbott went out of the office and closed the door behind him. He lowered his head and looked at the number in his hand, and his facial expression instantly became hideous.

He didn't need to check the number; he knew who did it.

“Mr. Baron." The secretary came out from the pantry and greeted him when he saw Abbott.

Abbott was so absorbed in his thought that he didn't notice anyone coming. When someone suddenly walked up to him and spoke to him, he was startled.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? What are you looking at? Why are you so engrossed with that thing in your hand?" While saying that, the secretary looked towards the paper in his hand.

Abbott covered the paper and said, "What are you looking at? Go back to work."

The secretary glimpsed at him, "You think I want to watch it? I can tell from your pale face that this must be an annoying task."

Abbott immediately touched his face and said, "My face doesn't look good?"

The secretary ignored him and went back to her seat with her water.

Abbott didn't ask further and walked towards the elevator. Then, he glanced around and made sure that no one was around him. After that, he quickly ran into the stairway, took out his phone, and dialed it.

The phone call went through, but no one answered the call. Abbott called again with a gloomy face.

The call finally got through after the third call.

Abbott questioned the other party furiously, "What are you trying to do?!"

"Why are you so angry? I'm swimming, so I don't have my phone with me. Do you have to be so fierce? You are scaring me." Emma was draped with a white towel, sitting on a recliner. She touched her feet and said, "Why are you so anxious? Do you need something from me?"

Abbott clenched his teeth, "You know what you did!"

Emma laughed, "I really don't know what you are talking about. But if you are talking about sending a text message to your boss's wife, I admit it that was me. So, what do you want me to do now?"

"Stop it!"

"Fine. But you will need to ask your boss to meet me at Hyatt Hotel. Then, I'll stop..."

"In your dreams!" Abbott rudely interrupted her before Emma could finish her sentence.

Emma fluffed her hair, "If you don't agree, then tell me your boss's daily whereabouts. I'm going to continue sending text messages to his wife too. If I remember correctly, his wife is going to give birth, right? I wonder if anything will happen to her if she gets too upset..."

"Enough!" Abbott shouted angrily, "What exactly do you want?"

"What do I want?" Emma laughed, then she suddenly said in a cold tone, "He killed my dad and put my brother in jail. What do you think I want?"

"They can only blame themselves for that!"


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