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Snare of Love novel Chapter 702

Emma didn't seem like she was scared. Instead, she got up relaxingly from the sofa, walked towards Abbott, tugged his tie, and said, "I know I'm not a match for him. But I still have you, right? Aren't you working for him?"

Abbott looked down at her hand and sneered, "Why are you so sure that I'll help you?"

Emma approached his chin and blew warm air at him, "If you don't want to help your woman, who else do you want to help?"

"Is this a joke?" Abbott pinched her cheeks, "You willingly throw yourself at me. You don't deserve to be my woman!"

Emma wasn't angry. She just laughed and said, "Whether be it I throw myself at you, or you voluntarily find me, all of these don't matter. The important thing is you have slept with me, so are you trying to deny it now? Should I go public and sue you for rape?"

Abbott narrowed his eyes.

"Don't stare at me." Emma lifted her leg and rubbed it on his side, "I prefer you to be gentler to me."

Abbott was speechless.

"Can you show some dignity? Can you stop being so bitchy?" Abbott shoved her away.

Emma bumped into the corner of the table. She held her leg and said, "Abbott, you have gone too far."

"You are the one who has gone too far. Do you really think that I'll listen to you just because I slept with you? It's just some photos; you can give them to whoever you want. As for the video, you can give them to whichever media you like, I don't care. You will never be able to threaten me!"

After saying that, Abbott went out and slammed the door behind him.

Emma sat on the table and looked at the closed door. She tightly clenched her fists.

She refused to give up. She took out her phone and called him.

Abbot was driving. He heard his phone’s ringtone, took it out and saw that it was her name. He didn't pick it up but just threw it aside and let it ring.

Seeing that he didn't pick up her call, Emma wasn't discouraged. She chose to text him instead.

Very soon, the phone ringing stopped, and the text message notification sounded. Abbott reached out and looked at his phone. The contents were, [You don't want your future anymore?]

Abbott stopped the car beside the road and replied to her text, [Do I still have a future after I met you?]

Emma didn't give up, [Can you really give up your dignity for your boss?]

[Emma, do I still have any dignity after I met you?"]

Emma bit her lip and dialled his number once again. This time, Abbott picked up her call, "What more do you want?"

Emma, "You really can give up your future?"

Abbott answered her without hesitation, "Yes."

"Are you a dog? Why do you need to be so loyal? You are just working for him. If you help me, I can let you become your own boss. You are capable, I can..."

"Emma, do you think other people are the same as the Bailey family? A person without humanity and morality is worse than a pig or a dog. I can't control you, Emma, but you can also stop thinking about manipulating me."

Emma held her phone and didn't speak for a long while.

Abbott asked, "Why are you not talking?"

"I don't know what to say," Emma mumbled.


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