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Snare of Love novel Chapter 709

Mrs. Miller flew into a rage as if she could rush over to Boyce in the next second and hit him.

Officer Miller felt a headache when he looked at Mrs. Miller, who was behaving like a shrew.

He said in a deep voice, “Cut it out! Let's listen to what Boyce wants to say.”

Boyce did not beat around the bush and said directly, “I found that I don't like Wendy, so...”

“Boyce, what do you mean you don't like Wendy? You've promised to be with my daughter, and you tell us that you don't like her now,” Mrs. Miller was fuming in anger and pulled Boyce's arm and said, “What do you take my daughter as? What gives you the right to dump her as you like? Boyce, don't forget that if it weren't for Wendy's father, you are nothing!”

Officer Miller heavily pressed his eyebrows with his fingers. He felt shame at his wife's behavior.

“He gets his success by his abilities!” Officer Miller pulled his wife away from Boyce, “Go into the room. You don't need to be here!”

Mrs. Miller raised her head and looked at her husband. She suddenly cried out loudly, “Are you crazy? Wendy is your daughter. How come you favor an outsider instead of your daughter? Boyce is dumping your daughter now. Do you still want to favor a person who is dumping your daughter?”

“Shut up!” Officer Miller felt ashamed.

However, Mrs. Miller did not care about him, and she thought that it was Boyce who owe them an apology. She also thought it was her husband's help so that Boyce could become the deputy director at such a young age.

“Boyce, let me tell you, don't imagine you can dump my daughter easily. You have to be responsible for my daughter since you've promised us. You want to break up with Wendy, and that's not going to fly!” Mrs. Miller pointed at Boyce and rebuked him without giving a thought to her image.

Officer Miller felt his brain was going to explode and spoke to Boyce, “Let's stop here today, and you go home first. Everyone is too aggressive now and can't talk. We'll talk about this properly when we both calm down and sit together.”

Boyce wanted to make it clear, but he could not continue to say when he saw Mrs. Miller, who looked mercilessly. He could only nod, “I'm sorry, Officer Miller.”

Boyce felt sorry to Officer Miller from the deep of his heart.

Officer waved his hand and did not want to listen to Boyce.

“I'll go out with you. We should talk between the two of us since it's our business. I don't want my parents to be sad and upset because of my business,” Wendy got up and walked over to Boyce and said, “Let's go.”

“Wendy, you can't be soft-hearted. He's the one who promised you, so he can't go back on his word,” Mrs. Miller was worried that her daughter would agree to break up with Boyce in a moment of madness.

‘Where would Wendy find such a suitable person after break up with Boyce?’ Mrs. Miller thought.

Wendy said in reply, “I can handle my own business.”

After that, Wendy pulled Boyce out of the house and walked downstairs. Wendy let go of him, “Are you happy after stirring my family into a tempest?”

She clenched her hands tightly. Was she sober of a sudden? She knew Boyce did not like her all along, but she was confident that she could let Boyce would fall in love with her.

Boyce said, “I'm sorry for that.”


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