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Snare of Love novel Chapter 710

Boyce did not stop his footsteps and opened the car door, then got into the car. He started the car and left the place.

Wendy rooted in the spot and stamped her foot in anger.

She knew from his words that Boyce had aware of something. For the sake of her father, Boyce was not willing to unmask her.

Wendy bit her lip and could only watch helplessly as the car left.

She did not dare to chase after him. She was afraid that Boyce had the real reason for her divorce that was her black history. It was a monkey business and could not be exposed.

She decided to find out why Boyce suddenly changed his mind.

She wondered, ‘Will someone change the character after encountering an accident?’

She turned around with anger and returned home.

At the same time, Theresa was still working overtime in City C. Armand was bending over the table and looked at Theresa eagerly, “Are you hungry? Do you need me to buy you some late-night supper?”

“Didn't we just have dinner?” she was coloring a drawn picture on the computer, and she wanted to find out the most suitable color for the dress style.

Armand smiled, “I'm afraid you'll be hungry.”

“Can you be quiet? You're like flies now,” Theresa looked at him, “If you're still making noise endlessly, then I suggest you go home hurriedly.”

Armand immediately shut up and crouched down in front of her, “I'm not going to talk now, but let me give your leg a massage.”

Theresa moved her hand away from the mouse and swiveled round in her executive chair to face Armand, “Why aren't you going back? Why are you so idle every day? Is the firm going out of business?”

Armand did not stop his hand's movements and gave her legs a good massage. He raised his head and showed her a grin, “You are going to take care of me forever if the firm is closed down.”

Theresa put her foot on his legs and bent towards him. She looked at him, “I don't like men who are good-for-nothing.”

Armand was speechless.

“Don't worry. I'll never let you sleep on the street...”

“Wait, I'm not going to be with you,” Theresa interrupted him.

Armand blinked his eyes with a resentful expression, “How can you go back on your words?”

“What did I say?” Theresa withdrew her legs and crossed her legs elegantly. She looked at him faintly.

“You said to give me a chance,” Armand put his arms around her waist and buried his head in her arms, “Don't you deny it!”

Theresa pushed him away, “Let me go!”

“I'm sorry,” Armand snuggled up in her embrace, “Let's go register for marriage.”

Theresa’s eyes were darkened. She looked indifferently, but the turmoil within her was great, “I've been fooled by you last time. If I fall for it again this time, I'm stupid.”

“We don't register if you're not willing to do so, but don't ever imagine I'll let go of you,” Armand greedily smelled her scent, and his arms embraced her tighter.

Theresa frowned, “Look at you. Can't you be steady like an actual man?”

Armand did not care about it and did not let go of her, “You know well whether I'm a man.”

Theresa was speechless.

“I'll be angry if you don't let go of me,” Theresa pretended to be angry.

Armand let go of her and stood by the side like a wronged wife and said resentfully, “Can't you stop threatening me?”

“You can disobey me. I didn't ask you to listen to me,” Theresa swiveled the executive chair to her computer desk to continue her work.

Armand looked at her with a grievance. It was Theresa who asked him to go to the office and then left him hanging, “You're going too far!”

Theresa pursed her lips, “You can choose to give up if you can't stand it...”

Theresa had not finished her words, and Armand suddenly grabbed her shoulders. He pinned her down on the desk and leaned towards her to kiss her lips.

When Theresa's back was against the edge of the desk, she felt pain and frowned. She did not push him away nor closed her eyes. She lowered her eyes and looked at Armand, who was in a shameful rage.

“Don't say that again. I'll be sad,” Armand was a stone's throw away from her. He looked more serious and less light-minded.

Theresa reached out and gently stroked his face, “You used to hurt me deeply too.”

Armand was instantly discouraged and tilted his head, “Can you not bring up the old scores?”


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