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Snare of Love novel Chapter 712

However, Amanda who was excited, was completely unaware that she had been hated by someone.

At the moment, she still immersed in happiness.

Today the students would stay at school to familiarize with the environment and parents could just drop their children off but many of them didn’t dare to leave. They were afraid that the children weren’t used to stay there on the first day as they were pampered, so the parents looked from afar across the big iron gate.

Dolores also stood among them. Time seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye, as if the children were just babies one second before and now they had stepped into the primary school.

Matthew stood beside her, put his arm around her shoulders and said, “Let’s go, they have to grow up themselves.”

She understood and nodded.

They didn’t return home as he said he had some work stuff to deal with and asked her to wait for him in the car. In fact, he was going to look for Mr. Thompson. He didn’t want Dolores to be there, that was why he lied.

She held her chin and watched the comings and goings of people on the roadside. Probably because she had been sitting in the car for a long time and the air conditioning made her mouth dry, thus she asked the driver to buy a bottle of water for her.

“No ice.”

“Yes,” The driver said and pushed the door open to get down of the car.

Then she held her chin and continued to look through the window at the people. Suddenly she saw a familiar figure in the rear-view mirror, she lowered the window glass and looked back. Soon she saw who the person was clearly.

Meanwhile, she was confused and thought, ‘Why was Abbott Baron here? Was he here for work?’

When she was about to push the car door open and get down, she saw a woman coming after him. Dolores had seen this woman before who had said some inexplicable things to her that day at the hospital.

Matthew had told that she was the sixth sister of Declan Bailey.

How could she and Abbott be together?

She quickly closed the door and looked at them through the rear-view mirror and wanted to find out their exact relationship.

Abbott was impatient and was almost being driven mad by this woman, Emma Bailey as she blocked him at the office and where he lived.

It made him afraid to go to the office or even return home now.

“I say, Miss Bailey, what exactly do you want?” he glared at Emma with anger and felt bored and grumpy, “I’ve fucking quit, I’ve nothing now. Why are you still pestering me?”

After reprieving for a moment, he quickly responded, “By the way, you still have my clues in your hands. I’ve made that very clear, you can give it to whoever you want, I don’t care.”


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