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Snare of Love novel Chapter 713

Emma shrugged her shoulders and threw up her hands, “Since you don’t care, I will go for an abortion.”

She turned around and left after saying that. Abbott stood in place for two seconds before he stepped forward and stopped her, “You’re joking with me, right?”

“So you think a woman who just lost her father and whose brother was in jail will make such a joke? The only thing I want to do is to take revenge on those who put them in trouble!” Emma said sternly.

Abbott sneered, “Is the Bailey family all dead? What are you, a woman, doing out here?”

“Abbott!” Emma scolded.

Abbott ignored her and continued speaking, “It is because they are still kind. They can differentiate clearly what is right and wrong. Only you’re crazy and obsessed with revenge.”

“Abbott, you bastard!” Emma disregarded her image and punched at him.

Abbott did not move and let her hit him. He would never hit a woman even though he wanted to do so in his mind.

Dolores had been hearing it for a while and she probably had understood what was going on. She did not get down from the car to reveal it. However, she gave Matthew a call.

It was inside the private room at the moment.

Mr. Thompson had already heard the situation from the doctor who examined Dolores. He had also gone through the report and had gathered experts from this field to do research.

“According to your wife’s condition, it will be advisable to give birth in seven and a half months. If you’re worried about your baby’s health, then let her stay in the hospital and we will observe her situation daily. She can take until eight months at the latest.”

Matthew rested his forehead on his hand as he was unsatisfied with such a solution.

“Actually, your wife is not suitable to have another child. From this medical check-up, her body is considered weak.” Mr. Thompson leaned his body back, “For the safety of the adult, an early delivery is the most conservative option.”


Matthew’s phone rang in his pocket at this moment. He took it out and glanced at the contact notification before picking it up.

“When will you be done?” Dolores asked.

“I will be out soon,” Matthew said.

Dolores replied “alright” and hung up the phone.

Matthew stood up and claimed that he had something else to do. He thanked Mr. Thompson for the appointment. Mr. Thompson also stood up, “You’re welcome. Your father and I are old acquaintances. We will do our best and that’s the best we can achieve at this moment.”

He took out a name card from his pocket and handed it to Matthew, “This is an old acquaintance who we studied together before. He is now the attending physician in Mayo Medical Center. You can go to him if you need to.”

Matthew reached out to take the name card and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Matthew offered to shake his hand, “I have taken up your time today. I will treat you to dinner next time when I’m free.”

Mr. Thompson agreed graciously and Matthew walked him out. Matthew also left after seeing him get into his car.

He walked to the car that was parked at the roadside. Then, he opened the car door and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Dolores moved in to give him a seat. She replied, “Nothing much, I saw Abbott with a woman just now.”


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