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Snare of Love novel Chapter 714

Boyce said, “Not sure about it, perhaps.”

The lift came to a halt at the moment. Both of them walked towards Matthew’s office. Probably because Matthew had informed earlier, the secretary said when she saw both of them coming, “Mr. Nelson is in his office. He said that you can go to find him directly when you come.”

Boyce nodded and said, “Got it.”

Boyce pushed the door when he reached the office. He thought that it was just Matthew, but he did not expect Dolores to be there too. So, he greeted Dolores.

Dolores smiled and nodded, “Please come in.”

Matthew put down the work in his hand and walked over. He let both of them sit down.

Abbott realized that he still had the woman’s bag in his hand, which he had just forgotten to put outside at the doorway. It seemed that he was unable to go out now.

He hid the bag behind his back.

Dolores noticed Abbott’s movement. She saw the bag in his hand and said with a smile, “Does it belong to Ms. Bailey?”

Abbott turned pale instantly. How did Dolores know about Emma?

Dolores addressed her as Ms. Bailey, so she obviously knew her.

How did she know?


“I was on NH Road today and saw you and Ms. Bailey arguing on the roadside. Is there any conflict?”

“No, it is not like that.” Abbott explained hurriedly, “Things aren’t like the way you think. She is the one who pestered me…”

“Why is she pestering you?” Matthew spoke steadily.

Abbott pursed his lips as he found it difficult to explain.

Matthew was slightly impatient as he was exasperated by Abbott’s stammering look. He disliked people who spoke incoherently the most.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?”

Boyce was also surprised that he and Emma had gotten together. Boyce touched him, “Why don’t you tell us, what is going on?”

Abbott gritted his teeth and confessed to Matthew, “She, she tricked me and wanted to make use of me to provoke your couple relationship. When I refused, she threatened me…”

“How did she threaten you?” Boyce asked curiously.

In fact, everybody cast a curious look at Abbott and waited for his answer.

Abbott wished that he could find a hole to hide in. It was really embarrassing.

It was so difficult to describe.

Boyce frowned, “Abbott, when do you become so sluggish?”

Abbott glared at Boyce and thought that he could not describe it too if this had happened to him!

“How can we help you out if you don’t say anything? Do you think resigning is the best option?” Matthew pulled at his collar and he looked slightly agitated.

Dolores got up and went to pour him a glass of water. He took it over and have a sip. When he put it on the table, he lifted his eyes and looked at Abbott, “You have been with me for so long. You should know my temper. If you have really decided to leave, I won’t stop you. But if you’re being pestered by Emma just because of me, I hope you will be honest about that.”

It was obvious that Abbott being pestered by Emma until his resignation must have some relationship with Matthew. Declan had just been sentenced to prison, so she must have resentment in her heart. Matthew understood, otherwise she would not have sent those messages to Dolores.

“Do you know that she sent those messages to Dolores?”

Abbott gathered his courage and said, “Yes, I made love with her. She took pictures of me in bed and threatened me. If I didn’t agree with her, she was going to expose the pictures. I definitely wouldn’t betray you, so I had no choice but to leave.”


Boyce almost laughed out but he restrained his emotions hurriedly.

He was amused by Abbott’s remark about the pictures in bed.

He was an adult and was being threatened by a woman with his pictures in bed?

Boyce held his forehead.


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