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Snare of Love novel Chapter 716

The principal’s daughter was standing in the corridor outside the door. While she was not paying attention, she heard the door opening and immediately looked over. Just as she wanted to greet Wendy, she had already run out.

She stared at Wendy’s back and her eyebrows slightly raised, ‘Are they quarrelling?’

She then glanced into the room again but didn’t take the initiative to go in. It seemed like it was an unpleasant conversation.

After about twenty minutes, the principal finished the meeting and came from the other end of the corridor, seeing her daughter standing in the doorway. He asked, “Why are you standing here?”

His daughter smiled, “You have a guest.”

The principal nodded as if he knew who it would be.

He had been contacted by Boyce earlier.

“You know someone is coming to see you?” his daughter asked.

The principal admitted it.

Following her father into the office, she picked up the bag on the sofa and said to him, “I’ll go first as you have work now.”

The principal waved his hand, “Both Nicolas and you come back home tonight for dinner.”

Nicolas was the principal’s son-in-law. The principal missed his daughter, so he asked her and his son-in-law to go home for dinner.

Her daughter waved her hand and acknowledged that then she walked out of the office and closed the door.

Boyce stood up and the principal made a sign to ask him to sit down. He walked to the front of the office desk and sat down. He picked up the thermos on the table and took a sip of water before speaking, “Are you talking about the student?”

Boyce walked over and said, “Her name is Jasmine, you should have an impression of her.”

The principal did have an impression of her, and he looked up at Boyce as if he remembered that the student was the one who had a scandal with him at that time.

“Are you really in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with her?” The principal asked.

Boyce said, “Yes.”

“Why are you here today even though she’s already dropped out of school?” The principal crossed his arms on his desk.

“I’m not sure if you understand why she dropped out of school.”

“I heard from her teacher who was responsible for her that she dropped out of school due to family matters.”

“Her mother passed away and there was no one to bury her so she went back to give her mother a burial as her mother was her only family member. The reason why she made the wrong decision was that she was too upset at that time and couldn’t accept the fact for a while. Therefore, I hope you can give her another chance, it’s not easy for her to get into this university and be accepted.”

The principal considered it for a few moments, “I’ve read her file and she’s been doing well except the scandal with you. However, it is truly not good behaviour that she chooses to drop out.”

Boyce replied, “Of course, we all know it’s not right. Please give her another chance.”

“Well, I can give her another chance for the sake of Officer Miller and you, and her good studies. However, this will be the only time. Otherwise, no matter how good her grades are but her behaviour is bad, we won’t give her another chance anymore.” The principal was a sensible man as he understood that the relationship between Boyce and Officer Miller was close and that he and Officer Miller had a good relationship.

Considering the relationship between them, he agreed easily.

Boyce thanked the principal.

The principal asked Jasmine to come over early to report to the teacher who would be responsible for her.

Boyce agreed.

After talking to the principal for a while longer, mostly about Jasmine, the principal finally said, “Please help me to greet your boss.”

Boyce agreed. He then went straight from the school to the villa. When he’s back, he bumped into both Matthew Nelson and Dolores Flores who were out and about to depart to the airport.

Boyce helped the driver to put the luggage into the trunk and said, “Let me take you to the airport.”

Dolores rejected him and asked him, “Have you solved the problem between Wendy and you?”

“Yes, she has agreed to break up peacefully,” Boyce replied.

Dolores was surprised that it was settled so quickly, she had thought that Wendy would pester Boyce and not let him go.

But on her second thought, Wendy might feel embarrassed to continue pestering as Boyce had known the real reason for her divorce.

“Jasmine is the only one in the villa, you may go in,” Dolores said to Boyce.

Neither Jayden Nelson nor Kevin Forbis was home, and Coral had gone to the supermarket.

“We’re out of time, let’s leave first.”

The driver opened the back seat door and Matthew shielded Dolores’s head and told her to be careful and not to hit her head. Dolores bent down to get into the car. Matthew did not get in immediately but instead, he looked to Boyce and said, “Contact me anytime.”

“You guys may leave without worries,” Boyce said.

Matthew trusted Boyce’s ability; he nodded his head and bent down to get in the car.

After watching the car drive away, Boyce entered the house whereas Jasmine was cleaning up the table. When she heard the door sound, she thought Dolores had forgotten something. She looked up and asked, “What you...”


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