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Snare of Love novel Chapter 717

Armand closed his eyes and suppressed the depression in his heart, “Grandma, can we change the topic?”

Elizabeth was unhappy, “Why do I have to change the topic? This is the only hope of the rest of my life, when can you actually fulfill my wish?”

Armand leaned on Elizabeth's legs and kept silent.

He didn't want to tell Elizabeth that he had reconciled and started over with Theresa, but Theresa's health condition...

If Elizabeth knew, she would definitely nag in front of Theresa about wanting her great-grandson, Theresa would feel mentally burdened.

It wasn't easy for him to reconcile and start over with Theresa, what should he do if she ran away because Elizabeth wanted a great-grandson?

Elizabeth hated how Armand didn't say anything, she patted his back and said, “Why don't you speak? Do you want to make me angry?”

Armand buried his face in the blanket and said, “Grandma, I beg you, you just need to be in charge of having a grandson. As for great-grandson, that's my problem and it has nothing to do with you... Please don't worry about it anymore, okay?”

Elizabeth was surprised, “What do you mean?”

Armand acted dumb and didn't lift his face, Elizabeth tugged his hair and said, “Speak clearly.”

“Ouch, it hurts.” Armand frowned, “You're so cruel, am I your real grandson?”

“What do you think? Wouldn’t I throw you away long ago if you were not? Speak now, what did you mean by that?” Elizabeth kept tugging his hair.

Armand's face looked bitter, “Who are you telling me to have a child with?”

“Theresa doesn't want to get back with you so you have to find a new one.” Elizabeth felt sorry for Theresa at heart but she couldn't let the Bernie family end in Armand's generation.

She had old fashioned thoughts, she just wanted to see Armand get married and have children while she was still alive, otherwise, she would feel ashamed when she met her partner in the afterlife.

Armand held Elizabeth's hands, “Grandma, I only like Theresa, I don't want others...”

“Then if she doesn't forgive you, are you planning to not get married for all your life?” Elizabeth glared at him, as long as Armand said 'yes, she could hit him until he was willing to get married.

“As long as I try hard, I still can get Theresa back, give me some time and don't force me.”

“I also want to give you time, but God isn't giving me time, how many more days can I stay alive?” Elizabeth was well aware that she was old, she was even paralyzed, how many more days could she stay alive?

“Armand, I don't hope for anything else from you, they said that a man should be able to stand on his own at the age of thirty, you don't even have a family, how will you stand on your own?” Elizabeth sincerely wished, “No matter what, you must let me see my great-grandson born when I'm still alive.”

Armand felt like his brain was going to burst, hearing Elizabeth mentioning great-grandson, his feelings were inexplicable.


Pain couldn't describe his feelings at that time.

“The doctor told you to rest a lot, listen to him, take good care of your health, only with good health you'll get to see me get married and have children, isn’t that so?”

Elizabeth was indeed old, so her energy was not as good as before.

Armand stayed there, the cellphone in his pocket suddenly buzzed, he slowly stood up, walked out the ward, and took out his cellphone... Theresa's number was shown on the screen, he pressed the 'accept call' button, and put it beside his ear, “Theresa.”

Theresa just finished with her work and she was worried about Elizabeth's situation, so she called and asked him.

“It's fine, don't worry, she's at the hospital now, the doctor had checked and said that it's not a big deal.” Armand stood in front of the window as he looked outside, “Theresa.”


Armand wanted to say a lot of things to her but he couldn't say anything at all.

As if Theresa had sensed that he was gloomy so she didn't ask further, she didn't hang up either as she listened to his breath.

After some time, Armand said, “Are you busy?”

“I just sent a customer away.” Theresa sat in front of the work desk and asked, “Did something happen to you?”

Armand said, “I miss you.”

Theresa scratched the edge of the desk as she looked down, “Armand, when can you be more serious?”

“Am I not serious?” Armand asked.

“What do you think?”

“Don't tell me that if I hide the fact that I clearly miss you, that's called serious?” Armand thought that it was not worth doing, “That's a fake serious, I'm a man of honor, I'll say what I think at heart, I'm an honest person, isn't that so, Theresa?”

“Go away!”

Armand smiled, “Where should I go? To your place?”


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