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Snare of Love novel Chapter 723

Matthew didn’t answer immediately, but closed the door and stepped in.

Dolores was more and more nervous and even her hands trembled unconsciously.

The more he didn’t talk, the worse the test result was.

“What you are worried about?” Matthew shook her hand. “I’m hungry, let’s eat something together.”

She didn’t move but looked at him.

Matthew sighed. He knew that she wouldn’t feel relieved without an answer.

He took Dolores’ hand and sat on the sofa. According to Dolores’ test result, an early delivery must be necessary, because her uterus was thinner than an average person. It was too dangerous to wait until the day of delivery because if the uterus ruptured, it could threaten her life.

The doctor’s advice was similar to the domestic plan. If she couldn’t deliver within seven and a half months, then she must rest in bed and the delivery would be extended to eight months at the latest.

“The doctor said our baby is in good health and there is no danger even if the baby is born early…”

“So we still need an early delivery?” Dolores interrupted him.

Matthew squeezed her hand, “Don’t worry, okay?”

“I’m not worried,” Dolores said, pulling back her emotions.

She stood up from the sofa, took his hand and said coyly, “Weren’t you hungry? I eat something with you.”

She kept her worries to herself and tried to look relaxed in front of Matthew.

Actually, Matthew knew she was pretending, but he didn’t expose it.

He was worried just like her. After all, it was his child and his wife, but he also couldn’t show his worry in front of her.

His negative mood would only make Dolores feel more nervous.

“I know a good restaurant, let’s eat there.” Matthew put his arm around her waist. “We don’t go out often, is there somewhere you’d like to go? I can take you and relax.”

Dolores deliberately said, “I want to go to a nightclub.”

Matthew glanced at her belly. “You can’t neither drink nor smell the smoke of the cigarette. What will you do there?”

“I want to look at some handsome boys,” Dolores said.

Matthew laughed, opened the car door for her and asked, “Am I not handsome?”

“Not as the boys who are there,” Dolores said, sitting inside and looking up at him.

Matthew stood in front of the car door, on elbow on the car door, and looked at her slightly, “Even if they are handsome, you can’t look at them. You are only allowed to give me a child obediently.”

“You can only look at me.”

Dolores laughed, “What if I get tired of it?”

Matthew, “…”

“I’m so handsome,” he said stiffly. “You won’t get tired of it. You’ll just like me more and more.”

Dolores laughed out and found that he was very narcissistic.

Matthew relaxed a little when he saw her laughing.

When they came there, everything was arranged by the people in charge of the branch company. The people in charge of the branch company knew that Matthew was coming over, so they prepared the car for him.

Soon the car stopped at a luxurious restaurant. Matthew parked the car, pushed the car door to get off and opened the car door for Dolores. “Here you can eat things that could not be found anywhere in our country.”

Dolores bent down.


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