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Snare of Love novel Chapter 724

Jessica was out of prison.

Boyce picked her up and took her back to the villa.

In order not to make Jessica worry, he didn’t tell her about Dolores.

He just told her that Matthew took her on a trip abroad.

“Lola is pregnant, it’s not suitable for her to travel abroad. If she wants to travel, she should wait for the child to be born, and then I will take care of him for them and they can go wherever they want.” Jessica lost a lot of weight, but she looked good.

Maybe seeing her daughter happy made her be in a good mood, that was why she looked good.

Although she wasn’t Dolores’ birth mother, she raised her since she was a child, so her feelings for her were deeper than a biological mother.

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Boyce comforted her and told her not to overthink.

“Yeah, if she has someone who takes care of her, then it’s okay to go abroad to relax,” Theresa added.

When Dolores gave birth to her two children, Jessica knew that she wasn’t in good health. Now that Dolores was late in the pregnancy, she hoped she could be more careful.

But she also thought that Matthew should know what he was doing and be able to take care of Dolores, so she was no longer worried about that.

Then she looked forward to seeing the children soon after school.

Boyce told Coral to prepare a sumptuous dinner. After all, Jessica went out of prison so it would be good to celebrate it. Moreover, even Theresa was there.

“Are you here to see Armand?” he asked.

Theresa’s smile gave place to embarrassment, “No, don’t tell him I’m here.”

‘Although Boyce was insensitive to his own affairs, he was able to understand well others’ affairs. The fact that Theresa was there had something to do with Armand.’ “Aren’t you good now? Did he make you angry again? I don’t think so, I think he treats you like a queen.”

Theresa looked at him, “Boyce, are you mocking me?”

Boyce laughed and asked, “Do you think so?”

Theresa didn’t answer, sat on the sofa and talked with Jessica.

Boyce was also busy, so he didn’t remain in the villa.

When he was in the office, he heard that Officer Miller was sent to the hospital. It had been a day and he didn’t get any news, so he wanted to go there to check.


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