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Snare of Love novel Chapter 733

The doctor thought that Elizabeth truly didn’t understand it, so he directly answered, “No uterus means a baby can’t grow up in her belly. She can’t give birth at all.”

Elizabeth’s eyelids trembled. It wasn’t until then did she understand why Armand kept emphasizing that he didn’t want to have children so determinedly. It turned out that Theresa couldn’t give birth at all.

She had lost her womb, which wasn’t curable at all. It meant that Theresa couldn’t have her own children all her life. She couldn’t be a mother.

“Take good care, Elizabeth. I’ve gotta go now.” The doctor turned around and walked out of the ward.

Elizabeth returned to her senses, “Thank you, Doc.”

The doctor smiled, “I didn’t help with anything.”

Elizabeth looked at the closed door in a daze. She couldn’t accept it at all.

If Armand wouldn’t have his children, it meant that the Bernie family wouldn’t have had any later generations.

She was completely confused.

Armand came back and sat on the chair next to the bed. His elbows pressed the knees and he bent over, keeping silent.

Elizabeth was quiet as well.

She seemed to need time to digest the information.

City C.

Theresa took the earliest flight to leave City B. She arrived in City C at past one in the afternoon. Oscar came to pick her up.

She looked pretty pale. Oscar strode over, only to find that she didn’t take along much luggage but only a backpack. Oscar reached out his hand, “I can take it for you.”

Theresa looked up at him and greeted him, “Hi, Uncle.”

Oscar asked worriedly, “Do you not feel well? You look quite pale.”

Theresa shook her head, “Nah. I’m just bothered by something.”

Oscar said with a smile, “Come on. Let’s have some fun.”

He was an optimistic man with a young mind. He always spoke in a perfunctory manner.

Theresa didn’t want to have fun. She only wanted to be with herself.

Oscar dragged her out of the airport, “When you feel down, you can be alone. Otherwise, you’ll be more depressed. Follow me. I’m sure you’ll be happy.”

Out of the airport, he dragged Theresa to the car that was parked at the roadside. He opened the rear door and put her backpack in the backseat. Then he opened the door of the passenger seat, pressing Theresa in.

He sat on the driver’s seat, started the engine, and drove away.

Theresa asked, “Where are you taking me to?”

“You’ll know when we get there.” Oscar deliberately kept it secret.

Theresa turned to look at him. He was always smiling as if he cared about nothing.

She felt quite relaxed when being with him. She said jokingly, “I’m not happy. You are responsible for delighting me today.”

“Why should I?”

“Because I call you Uncle.”

Oscar smiled, “Well, you are always sharp-tongued in front of me. Tell me. Has Armand pissed you off?”

“Uncle, could you stop mentioning something that I don’t want to talk about?” As soon as she thought about Armand and Elizabeth, Theresa felt quite depressed.

“Hee hee,” Oscar let out a laugh, “When I meet him again, I’ll tie him up and beat him up for avenging you.”

“You’ve made the promise. I’ll remember it.”

“I’m always a man of his word. You can’t feel sorry for him when I beat him.”

“No, I won’t.” Theresa pretended to be fierce, “It’s better to make him cripple.”

Oscar laughed, “You are just talking the talk. If I truly hit him, you’ll shed tears while feeling sorry for him.”


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