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Snare of Love novel Chapter 734

Passengers in the taxi got off at almost the same time as Theresa and Oscar. They were taken aback when seeing each other. Dolores came back to her senses quickly. Looking at the doll in Theresa’s arms, she asked, “Where did you go with Uncle?”

The checkup result was almost the same as that was done domestically. Dolores wanted to come back to give birth, so they didn’t stay abroad for a long time.

Before going back to City B, Dolores wanted to come over to City C.

Hence, they flew to City C directly. After the visit, they planned to go back to City B.

“Are you all right? Why did you come back?” Theresa strode over, “How did the checkup go?”

Dolores pressed her lips and said calmly, “Nothing serious. I might give birth before the delivery date. No worries.”

She didn’t want her friends to be worried for her.

“That’s good then,” said Theresa, feeling fortunate.

Dolores smiled, “Since when you are so close to Uncle?” As she spoke, she deliberately cast a glance at the doll in her arms.

Oscar hurriedly explained, “She was quite down earlier. Her boyfriend pissed her off. I took her to have some fun.”

Dolores looked over at Theresa and asked, “Did you argue with Armand?”

Theresa looked down, “It’s still because that I can’t give birth.”

It was a difficult question, hard to resolve.

Oscar didn’t want to join this subject. He was a man who knew nothing about it. He said, “All right. I’ve gotta leave now.”

He pulled the door open. Theresa turned around and said, “Be careful when driving, Uncle. Bye.”

“Sure.” Oscar paused a bit before getting in. Looking over at Matthew, he asked, “Will you stay here for a few days?”

“Two days.” Matthew came over after paying the ticket fare.

“Have a rest today. Let’s have dinner tomorrow,” said Oscar.

Matthew answered, “Okay.”

“I’m taking off now.” Oscar sat in his car.

Matthew walked to Dolores, “Let’s go in.”

Theresa nodded, “I’ve almost forgotten. You just got off the plane and must be tired. I’ve just changed the bedsheet for your room. You can have a rest soon.”

Dolores said with a smile, “Thank you, Theresa.”

“Don’t mention it.” Theresa faked being unhappy. She walked ahead to open the door.

Dolores smiled behind her.

After entering the apartment, Theresa changed into her slippers at the door. Then she pulled out two pairs of slippers. She walked in and asked, “Have you had dinner yet? Do you need to have something?”

Dolores answered, “No, thanks.”

The boiling water had been running out, so Theresa went to boil some water, “There are milk and fruit juice in the fridge. What would you like to drink?”

“Fruit juice, please.” Dolores sat on the sofa.

Theresa opened the fridge, took out the fruit juice, and poured one glass for her. She asked Matthew what he wanted to drink.

He also chose fruit juice.

Hence, Theresa came over with two glasses of fruit juice in the tray. Sitting on the single couch, she told Dolores that Jessica had left the jail.

Dolores paused when picking up the juice. Her eyes lit up, “For real?”

Theresa smiled, “Why would I lie to you on this matter?”

Dolores was excited. It was good news for her. She grabbed Matthew’s hand and said between sobs, “I’m so glad that she came out.”

They had depended on each other for years. They loved each other deeply.

Although they were not blood-related, their love was deeper than the blood-related family affection.

It was also good news for Matthew. Dolores needed someone to comfort her right now. Although she always pretended as if everything was fine, he knew that she had hidden her worry in her heart.

Right now, since Jessica could show up, she should bring Dolores some peace and easiness.

Matthew hummed gently.


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